Switched roles

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Beep beep.
Beep beep.

(Since that's all our love comes too)
(Say goodbye to me Vivi)
"Thats it. Its not one sided love, its his own mind."
"We have one person to blame." Logan added
"Roman, Virgil is supposed to be anxiety roman gave him an incredibly creative mind."
The doctor nodded.

-Logans pov-
      I sigh walking back inside,often I'm not added the the group, I don't understand feelings, i glance over at Patton and roman, we were once together, my heart drops at least a tad bit when I see them together everyday. Roman and Patton  Though I shoud stop wasting time on tears like a fool. The tears leak and spread onto the paper. “Stop! Stop!” I say or, yell to myself “you are not allowed to feel! You are not allowed to cry! You are logic, emotionless. Thats who you are supposed to be.” I pace around the room crying. I pull softly on my own hair my body hurting, I shut my eyes hating this feeling My mind is clogged with words, with memories, Not involved, in anything. I am not there, you are not there. I have to take the role of anxiety and logic, I walk back out wiping my tears, once again seeing roman and Patton, I. close my head feeling the sudden warmth liquid rush down my face, I block my face with a book.

Romans POV:

I smile hugging Patton joyful, though I see logan in the corner of my eye but I ignore that and go back to Patton, I know me and pat are just friends, I'm in love with Virgil. Patton is not in a relationship, I dont know how Patton feels about me.
And I don't want to know.

Patrons POV
I see Logan rush to his room and j seem a little curious, he is a busy man, that's why i love him. I smile softly and pull away from romans grasp I started talking about Virgil once more and suddenly ask from awhile ago “why was Virgil limping that one day?” I ask waiting for an answer romans eyes darker and he starts crying sobbing I get incredibly worried “im sorry! Was that a sensitive subject?” (Relating to: scars.) Roman nodded wiping his tears.as he smiled.

Logans POV:
I head up to my room a sob crawling up my chest when its about to be lrt out I run, and lock the door immediately, I dont like feeling, these feelings. hurt. So much. Hoe does Patton live with this?! I ask myself though my sobbing blocking out all my thoughts as I fall to the ground tests rushing down my face I roll myself in a ball rocking back and fourth not being able to control anything, my thoughts it had all built up but now I tried to add more when it was already filled up all the way, so muchbit exploded. I close my heavy eyes falling asleep from all the stress building up.

Romans POV:
‘Why was he limping?’ pattons innocent question replayed in my mind, I'm the only one who knew he was.. Was.. Self harming.. J stood silent only for awhile before only a few tears ran down my face “A..alright.. Its alright, I.. I just I'm just gonna go to sleep.” I respond heading upstairs anxiously. I shut my eyes entrring my own room sliding my back against the door. Curling myself into a ball shaking lightly.

Who knew, the emotionless robot, cried them self to sleep every night.

Who knew the brave prince feared everything he faced?

A/N: sorry, this is short but I got an artist block..  So ugh... Idk

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