Chapter 4

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Glaedir's POV
The next morning, I was out training. It was early, the sun was only just appearing over the mountains and the crisp morning air filled my lungs. I'd been a soldier two years longer than most of the recruits so I was more trusted and supposedly more respected. I was trusted enough to have actual weapons anyway. I drew my rapier from its scabbard, the weight of it familiar in my hand, the stylised handle glinting in the rising sun. Ada had given this to me when I got my promotion, he'd said I needed my own weapon rather than the worn out practise swords they leant out to training officers. I'd be in the first one day, be able to fight from a horse's back and ride headlong at the enemy without fear. The first regiment was the best in the army, the most respected and the most prestigious. I would make it. I would make my Ada proud.
I began to concentrate on my sword movements: attack, parry, feint, counter. I moved my feet in time, the sword almost part of me, I shut my eyes and felt the movements instead of seeing them. Sweat began to form on my skin but fatigue was alien to me, the slight burning in my muscles just told me I was working hard enough. I kept practicing, picking up speed each time I finished a set of movements until it began to feel like a dance rather than a fight. My sword, my body, my mind, they all moved in perfect sync. My eyes were still tight shut, my concentration unwavering. I didn't even realise she was there until the clanging of metal on metal broke my concentration and opened my eyes.
"Do you usually train half naked?" Lillieth asked, lowering her own sword and putting it back in its scabbard. The rising sun hit her red hair and set it ablaze.
"It's better than my shirt sticking to me," I replied, rolling my shoulders to loosen the tension.
"Or are you trying to impress someone?" She teased.
"Who would I be trying to impress at 6 in the morning?" I snorted. She shrugged, sitting down on the porch of one of the barrack houses and beginning to clean her fingernails with the tip of a dagger.
"Why do you get up so early anyway?" Lillieth asked. I pulled my shirt back on, starting to feel cold now I wasn't moving.
"There's no point just laying awake on your bunk. If I can't sleep I might as well do something," I pointed out. Lillieth frowned, looking at me as she tried to deduce something from my face.
"Has there been any word?" She asked. I shook my head, casting my gaze to the floor. I didn't want to discuss this, but telling Lillieth to shut up to her face usually ended in broken noses at best.
"I'm sure they're fine, Glaedir, we managed to get past the mountains okay," she reassured.
"What times training today?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.
"Hmm... Well by the time we've got the recruits lazy backsides out of bed and packed them off to the mess hall... I'd say about 8:30, possibly 9:00?"
I nodded, going back to my barrack house and grabbing a tunic, pulling it on over the shirt and fastening my cloak on top. I put bracers on my forearms as well as a pair of leather gloves, slipping a dagger into my left boot. When I went back out to Lillieth, she frowned again.
"And where to do you think you're going?" She asked. I didn't meet her gaze.
"For a ride, I'll be back by the time training starts."
With that, I left her there, feeling her gaze and the morning sun burning into my back.
In the dim light of the stables, I could see the horses beginning to wake up, moving around in their stables. A few stable boys were awake, seeing to their duties.
"C-Corporal Skylark," one of them stammered, managing a sketchy bow. I had to hand it to the Rivendell elves, they were very good at being polite.
"Has Hummingbird been seen to yet?" I asked. The boy nodded quickly.
"Y-Yes sir, would you like me to tack her up for you?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I will do it myself, thank you," I said.
"A-As you wish, sir," the boy responded, quickly scurrying away. I just smiled to myself. I enjoyed the respect, but I didn't like being feared, he would learn in time that I wasn't as scary as I seemed.
I hummed to myself as I entered Hummingbird's stall, smiling down at my horse who was still curled up and drowsy. Fresh water and food had been put in her stall and some fresh straw had been scattered about. I crouched down and gently stroked her mane.
"Good morning girl," I whispered. She snorted at me indignantly.
"I know it's early, I'm sorry," I chuckled. Hummingbird nipped my finger playfully and got up, nudging me out of the way and beginning to eat and drink. Taking advantage of her distraction, I fitted her saddle to her back. One she realised what was going on, she whacked me with her tail and whinnied in protest.
"C'mon, you need the exercise and I'm going stir crazy. It'll do us both good," I reasoned. Her ears laid back.
"Apples when we get back?"
Hummingbird's ears immediately pricked back up and she looked at me eagerly. I had been reduced to bribing my own horse with food.
"Fine, now behave yourself for Valar's sake."
Despite my horse being an awkward old mare, we actually managed to get out of Rivendell and we were soon galloping across open country. The feeling of freedom washed over me, engulfing my like a wave of euphoria. This is why I wanted to be in the cavalry. To feel one with your horse, to work with them until they became as close as an Elven comrade. Hummingbird galloped as fast as she could, her reluctance from earlier completely gone. For a little while, the world seemed just to be me, Hummingbird and the open ground. We were alone, and it felt phenomenal.
Lindir's POV
I headed down to the training grounds at lunchtime, hoping to see Glaedir there. There was no sign of him, but that red haired girl was talking about him to their Sargent.
"I shouldn't have let him go, I'm sorry sir," she sighed.
"He told you that he'd back, Corporal, the blame lies with him," the Sargent replied. He was an older elf, with green eyes and silvery hair, much like that recruit that'd fallen from his horse.
"Sir?" Asked the red haired elf.
"Yes Corporal?" He asked.
"Please, go easy on him, I believe his erratic behaviour may have something to do with his family situation. There's been no word," she said, looking ready to flinch away a blow that might come from the Sargent's gloved hand.
"I've already had to deal with him for brawling with Halflar, he can't go without punishment for second time. That will be all Corporal Tassarion."
The girl saluted and walked away, swearing under her breath in Sindarin. I followed her and tapped her on the shoulder. Her head snapped up and her hand grabbed my wrist, cold blue eyes glaring at me.
"What do you want?" She demanded. I flinched a little but held my ground.
"I-I was wondering where G-Glaedir was, h-he invited me h-here," I stammered. She released my wrist.
"He buggered off around 6:30 this morning and hasn't bothered to show his face since. When he gets back he's going to get an earful from the Sargent. Is that all?"
I nodded. Her eyes narrowed as she studied my face, her grip still tight around my wrist.
"Why did he say you could come here?" She asked.
"I-I was c-curious about w-woodland elves, h-he offered to teach me about you, that's a-all," I replied, keeping my gaze on the floor and praying she didn't hit me. She snorted indignantly.
"We're just Woodland elves, not animals. Go on, get out of here or I'm going to have to explain why there are civilians running amok in our area."
She released my wrist and I left quickly, feeling like a fool. I stayed in the infirmary for the rest of the afternoon, getting on with my work and trying to ignore the image of the disdainful glare that she-elf had given me.
Glaedir's POV
By the time I dragged myself towards the barracks it was getting dark. My head was still ringing from the fall, the side of my face a sticky mess of blood. I couldn't remember what happened, but I'd woken up at the side of a river with my head bleeding onto the rocks and throbbing in pain. Apart from that, it was just the usual cuts and bruises, adding to my already vast collection from training. I already knew I was in trouble, but when I saw the fire in the Sargent's eyes, my heart dropped to my toes and my stomach went cold.
"And where the bloody hell have you been all day?!" He roared. I heard a few of the recruits snigger but ignored them.
"I went for a ride, sir," I replied.
"And you thought you could just casually disappear for the whole day?" He asked, staring down at me as if I was something nasty he'd scraped off the bottom of his boots.
"It was unintentional, sir, Hummingbird lost her footing and threw me. As soon as I woke, I came straight back here," I said, keeping my tone as plain and clear as possible. I didn't want to fall even deeper into trouble.
"Give me one reason why I don't just ship you back to Lothlorien and get another corporal out here, one that isn't just going to go running off into the blue," the Sargent growled, a dangerous look in his eyes. I bit my lip, unable to think of a reason or an explanation or even an excuse.
"This is your last warning Skylark. Now get yourself cleaned up."
I turned and left, trying desperately to ignore my wounded pride and the recruit's laughter echoing in my ears.

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