First day at RHS

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"You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning.".......

——-Narrator P.O.V——-

JUGHEAD: " Our story is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town.
From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world Safe,Decent,Innocent.
Get closer, though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath".
Oh before I forget.....The name of our town is Riverdale.
And our story begins, I guess, with what the Blossom twins did this summer.
On the Fourth of July, just after dawn, Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride.

Cheryl tucked a small piece of her famous red hair behind her ear as she turned to look at her brother and she said softly
"Are you scared, Jason?" Cheryl asked as her brother turned to look at her and he gently shook his head.

JUGHEAD: The next thing we know happened for sure is that Dilton Doiley, who was leading Riverdale's Boy Scout Troop on a bird watching expedition, came upon Cheryl by the river's edge.
Riverdale Police dragged Sweetwater River for Jason's body, but never found it.
Alice Cooper watched them as the scene unfold as they continued to search the sweet river
Alice Cooper said to quietly to her husband not bothering to turn at look at him as he stood behind her " If he is dead, Hal, I hope in those last moments he suffered.May Jason Blossom burn in hell." Hal Cooper didn't say anything he just continued to glance out a cross the sweet river.

JUGHEAD: So a week later, the Blossom family buried an empty casket and Jason's death was ruled an accident, as the story that Cheryl told made the rounds.
That Cheryl dropped a glove in the water, and Jason reached down to get it, and accidentally tipped the boat, and panicked, and drowned.
As for us, we were still talking about the "July Fourth tragedy" on the last day of summer vacation, when a new mystery rolled into town.
Now brace yourself.

"The apartment's small, a pied-a-terre, - but "quality, always." Hermione Lodge said to her daughter as she looked up at her new home "Quality, always" Veronica lodge said walking over to her mother and stood beside her.
" Plus, it's the only piece of property in my name and not your father's" Hermione said cheerfully as she walked into the building.
" Ms Hermione! - Welcome home!" Their friendly and cheerfully doorman said " Smithers! Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes" Hermione greeted her longest serving doorman.
"How was the ride?" Smithers asked.
" No traffic, thank God.Smithers, I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, Veronica". Hermione placed her arm round her daughters shoulders.
Smithers smiled politely "It's a pleasure, miss" he gently nodded.
"Hi" Veronica said sweetly.
"I'll get the bags" Smithers said not wanting to not do his job.
"Would you? " Hermione was great full for Smithers he really was the best.
Smithers turned back round "Oh, and would you like some menus, ma'am, so you can order in?" He questioned.
"Oh, no. I have been craving one of Pop Tate's cheeseburgers since noon" Smithers smirked
" Is his Chock'lit Shoppe still open?" Smithers nodded " oh yes Miss Hermione it's still there"
Veronica looked between the two "What is a Chock'lit Shoppe and why does it sell burgers?" Veronica furrowed her brow.

—-The Cooper residence, my home and family——

"Are you excited?" Kevin my sisters best friend since kindergarten asked whilst laying on her bed " Nervous?" I questioned as I  glanced at Kevin and then looked at my sisters anxious face in her vanity mirror.
Betty shrugged "Both. I haven't seen him all summer" Betty said looking at her reflection.
"Which is why nerves are acceptable" I say shifting position on her bed.
" but we agreed, Betty It's time" Kevin said.
" You like him, he likes you" I say and Kevin nods in agreement " Lolly is right Betty" Kevin says gesturing to me.
"Well, then why, Guys hasn't he ever said or done anything?" My sister questions as she turns to face us both.
"Because Archie's swell, but like most millennial straight guys, he needs to be told what he wants" Kevin shrugs.
"So tell him, finally" I say.
"Well, we'll see.I mean, it depends" Betty says turning back to finish her make up and I roll my eyes
" I can see you. You know" she says looking directly at me " I know! I meant you to" I say sarcastically.
A light was turned on in Archie's room  and Archie started to change and get ready to meet Betty at pops "Oh, my God!" Kevin gasps " What?" Me and Betty say in unison " Game-changer.Archie got hot! He's got abs now" I am stunned Kevin was right.boy Archie was hot and I couldn't take my eyes off his muscular and well done torso.
" Betty,that is Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight" Kevin said not moving from the spot.
"OMG seriously Kevin, you can't say things like that in front of Lolly" Betty said gesturing to me.
" Betty I'm 14 , not 4" I sigh
" I know but your still my baby sister" she says walking over to me and places a kiss to the top of my head.
Kevin soon left after seeing Archie in all his glory, his toned and muscular glory, god I need to stop he's my sisters crush and  totally our next door neighbour and I can't think of him like that.
Once Betty was ready she looked her self over in the mirror " you look great Betty and you'll be fine" I say with a warm smile.
" thanks lolly pops" she says walking over to me and hugged tight.
" well I guess I better get going" she says letting go of me and we walk out of her room and make our way down stairs and make our way to the front door.
" Tell me all about it when you get back?" I ask hoping she would say she would.
" yeah absolutely" Betty says winking at me.
" Tell Lolly about what Betty? Where are you off to at this hour?" Mom says appearing behind us.
" I'm off to meet Archie, mom" mom raises her eye brow " I want you home by 10" mom says in her stern controlling voice.
" Yeah, yeah just go betty Have fun" I say practically shoving my sister out the door.

Shadows and Secrets ( Riverdale cooper family fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now