Chapter 10

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Finally after what seemed like forever The bell rang and I left the classroom and headed for the canteen. I was nearly the last there, so I got in line and walked along the line looking at all the options but none of them were really appealing to me  I mean all,I really wanted to do was walk straight past it all  sit down watching others eat their food. I decided on a salad which consisted of lettuce, tomato, carrots, beetroot and sweet corn hoping that there couldn't be to many calories in this but there was enough, I picked up an apple and a bottle of water and walked round the cafeteria looking for somewhere to sit. I walked past groups of girls who eyed me as I walked past them. Some picked up their bags and put them in the empty seats so I couldn't sit with them. . I sigh and decide to sit at a  empty table across from Ethel Muggs who sat alone just like me. This is were I obviously belong...alone with the other loners.
I took a few mouthfuls  and then a few more. I didn't realise how hungry I really was until I started digging in and I just couldn't stop. I was soon brought back to reality.
"Well well well. Sitting at our table?" Someone said behind me. I panicked a little inside.
"It- Its not your table." I stuttered . "And I was here first and I don't see your names on here anywhere."
"Oh really?" Cheryl Blossom said.
"Yeah" I said quietly.
"Im going to try and say this nicely. Move. Please." Cheryl said, raising her voice at the end.
"Why should I?" I said but, wished I kept my mouth shut for once.
"Listen fatty Cooper."Cheryl said picking up my salad bowl.
"Thats mine." I spat at her.
"Not any more, fatty, anyway I'm doing you a favour fatty." She said, putting a mouthful in her mouth. "Eww that is not low fat dressing"
"Can I have it back?" I asked, and to my surprise, she nodded.
"Sure."she said, grabbing my top and pouring the salad down it. Kevin,Veronica , Archie and Betty sat there, gobsmacked. "Now I suggest you get out of our way. Girls if we ignore it, it will go away." Cheryl said glancing at me.

I ran through the canteen, ignoring the laughter from everyone else and went straight to the restroom. It was empty, so I locked myself in a cubicle and sobbed. I began to cry.
Sometimes I really wished I didn't say things and just kept my fat mouth shut.

I stopped crying when I heard the door open.
" who's there?' I Called out but I got no answer so, I slowly opened the door but, now I wished I hadn't.
" what do you want?" I say knowing there wasn't anything else she can do to me.
" that's not nice when I'm here to help you with your little problem" Cheryl said smiling sweetly at me.
" I don't know what you mean" I say denying it.
" please... I'm not stupid I mean after all I am Cheryl Blossom Riverdale very own royalty  " Cheryl looks at me.
" I still don't know what you are talking about" I say shrugging.
" look I've heard how you have been missing meals and well I also heard all about your little fainting episode the other day which by the way wasn't pretty and totally obvious but,There is another way...." I look down at the floor then look up at Cheryl watching me.
" you don't have to feel like this" Cheryl says placing a hand on my shoulder.
I don't say anything but Cheryl knows that she has my attention " meet your two new best friends" Cheryl said holding up her index finger and the finger next to it " These will be your best friends for the next few months and you will feel a whole lot better in yourself and I may even like you but don't get your hopes up" Cheryl says smiling before walking towards the doors as my brain thinks about what Cheryl just told me and maybe she was right it could better for me and I may lose the weight I want this way.
"Cheryl ?You in here?" I heard Gingers voice.
"Be right out" she said glancing back over her shoulder " remember you don't have to feel this way" she said as she opened the doors tossed her long auburn  hair over her shoulder before leaving the restroom.
I hesitated for a few minutes not really sure I should do it here but I did have that big lunch so I should maybe try and see how it feels and if I can actually do it.

Feeling nauseous, I gagged and hacked into the toilet, my hands grasping the seat. Nothing came up but my own saliva. I was dispelling my nerves, not trying to vomit. But as the voice went on and my stomach fat weighed me down, I felt that I needed to throw up after Cheryl's little pep talk and yes I know I shouldn't have listen to what Cheryl told me but she had a good point.

Before I could do so, the door to the restroom creaked open. "Lolly ? Did you just throw up?" I froze. The only thing that ran through my mind was: Shit. Shit. SHIT!

Feeling embarrassed at being caught, I refused to look behind me. However, I recognised the voice. It was Ethel Muggs. Shit.

"No," I replied, my voice quivering. Good job, fatty! You got caught on your first try! When will you learn to check the stalls first?

I gazed into the toilet, trying to think of an excuse. I could say I wasn't feeling well. Or that I ate too much . You're a terrible liar. She'll see right through you.

Then what do I do? I asked the voice.

Tell the truth, but leave out some parts. No one has to know. Even though it's obvious how much you need to lose weight, fatty.

"You missed the toilet," Ethel said quietly. For the first time, I noticed the vomit on the floor beside the toilet. Had I actually done that without noticing? Say something! Before you make the situation worse.

"The girl who was throwing up before me left that." Good! No one has to know just how fat you are, that you're doing this. But I still wasn't sure where that vomit came from.

Lie about throwing up! The voice demanded. You're not off the hook yet! Put a little truth in there; make it believable.

"I tried, but I guess I just don't have a gag reflex," I added. No gag reflex? That's the best loser like you can come up with?
"Cheryl told you to do it didn't she?" I get up and make my way to the sink where I wipe my mouth.

" no I told you I probably ate too much that's all" I shrug.

" I'm not a fool Lolly, you only had a light salad which couldn't possibly fill up enough to make you feel sick" Ethel said softly.

" let me guess she used the whole ' you don't have to feel like this' speech just like she did with Hanna a few weeks ago" Ethel says tenderly but now I feel like a fool.

" have you finished?" I snap and Ethel is shocked but she nods and I walk over towards the door " oh by the way keep your nose out of my business and if I want your opinion I would ask for it" I say storming out of the restroom.

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