Chapter 11

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I sat in Maths leaning my head in my hands and tapping my pen on the desk just watching the clock waiting for it to hit 3pm and then I can go home and just hide away in my room. My prayers soon are answered when the bell rings and everyone jumps up out of their seats and our poor teacher is trying to tell us to remember to study for a test that we have coming up in a few days but no one is bothered and I however take my time putting my things away into my bag. I get shoved and pushed as people rushed out of the class room. Once I put my books and pens away into my bag , I then place my bag on my shoulder and walk out the now empty class room and walk along the corridors where I am shoved and pushed once again by other students but I don't care as I know in 10 or more minutes that I will be back home but, I do how ever have to walk through the town which is another form of torture for me when I see other students who call out and yell loser lolly to me as I pass by and I lower my head and look down at the floor and ignore them the best I can and this starts off those voices in my head that I have managed to pushed aside for a while today.

I walk down the steps of the school entrance and walk along the sidewalk in a world of my own until I reach the Main Street and start to pass Pops Chocklit shoppe which was one of my sister and Cheryl's hangouts and I was hoping that they wouldn't be there and luck was on my side because they were no where to be seen so far and I carried on walking but now I had a spring in my step. I don't realise that I stop outside our famous cupcake store which is my favourite store and the best place to eat in Riverdale but, I haven't had a cupcake in a long while and to be honest I have forgotten what they taste like and I am now hesitating or shall I say fighting with myself wether I should get one or not. Before I can make up my mind I walk into the store and join the queue. I look at the choices and settle on a colourful blue chocolate cupcake.
I walk out of the store and decide to take a seat outside and start eating my cup cake. I am really enjoying it with its moist texture but rich chocolate centre and sweet blue icing on the top. I take what seems to be my fourth bite " oink oink" I hear faintly, I put the cupcake down and look around to see shoppers walking past and no one I recognise so, I turn back to my cup cake and carry on but at soon as my lips touch the cake I hear it again " oink oink" I turn round and this time I see Cheryl, Reggie, Chuck,Ginger, Tina, Veronica and Betty standing across the side walk laughing and pointing at me "enjoying that are we miss piggy?" Cheryl calls out and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out I just stare at Cheryl and then at Ginger and Tina who I can see the forgiveness in their eyes , I then look at my sister who gives me a ' I'm sorry' glance and I just pick up my cup cake, bag and take one last glance at them before I turn away and walk down the sidewalk " are you in a hurray to stuff that down your throat piggy so you can only bring it up again?" I hear Chuck call out but I just carry on walking.
I feel the tears slip silently down my cheeks and the voices in my head begin to work their way forward. I look down at the rest of my cupcake thinking to myself I'm already fat what could one more cake do to me? I continue to eat the cupcake as I walk down the street with tears falling down my cheeks and voices screaming at me telling me that I am fat and I don't deserve anyone's attention or love and who's going to want me, miss piggy.
I finally make my way home, I wipe my tears and toss the cupcake case into the trash and open and close the back door hoping my parents are out and I walk in to the kitchen to see mom and dad sitting on the couch.
" hey sweetie, good day at school?" Mom asks smiling at me.
Not really no I want to scream but of course I can't so I smile and say " yeah it was good, guess what?" I say looking around at everyone.
" what?"they say almost in unison.
" I aced my maths and chemistry tests" I say cheerfully as I start digging in my bag for my test papers that have the undeniable A+ written in red pen at the top.
I finally find them and hand them to dad who reads them both and gives a nod of approval. I have done it I have finally had dads nod of approval.
"well done sweetheart" mom says getting up and actually hugging me.
" good job kiddo, all you need to do is keep it up and you'll be like your big sisters" dad says completely bursting my bubble of happiness and acceptance.
I don't know what to say...."ermm will you excuse me I need to use the restroom" I say barely audible and rush up stairs where I rush into the restroom lock the door and bend over the toilet and bring up the contents of my stomach until I am satisfied that my stomach is rid of the badness.
I sink to the floor exhausted and rest against the cabinet under the sink close my eyes for a few minutes when I heard the door down stairs open and close which meant that betty was home too.
I get up off the floor and walk over to the mirror wipe away the beads of sweat that glistened on my forehead with a tissue and tidy myself up a bit before I bravely walk back down stairs
I walk down stairs and stop at the bottom step to mom and Betty sat talking to dad, I watched from the outside finally realising I don't fit in with this family at all I mean look at them they have hardly looked up at me since I walked back into the room.
" what's everyone talking about" I hear myself say.
Betty breaks the silence "okay... Look I want us all to go out tonight as a family okay?" I look round to see mom nod and dad agree and before I can stop myself I nod.
" where are we going?" I say speaking for the first time.
" we were thinking the Pops?" Mom says not sounding sure.
Soon enough it was time for me, mom, dad and Betty to get ready for the family meal that I am dreading but, I march up stairs and change into my favourite pink jumper with a black skirt, tights and my new and favourite boots.
I am surprised when I zip up my black skirt and there is a huge gap between my skin and the skirt and of course I am over joyed with that gap but there is time for improvement.
" Lolly are you nearly ready? Betty?" I hear mom call out to us.
" I'm nearly done just doing my hair" I call back
" ill be down in a second" I hear Betty call back.
I put my long blonde hair into a high pony and then spray a little bit of perfume and head towards the door when I hear my phone bleep. I hesitate and my phone bleeps again so, I walk over to my phone and see a unknown number has text me once again and my heart beat pounding in my chest and my stomach sank.

Aww how sweet Loser lolly on her way out to play happy families, when deep down you are keeping a very dark secret indeed miss piggy ,Enjoy Pig out but Remember your two best friends!!!
Kisses Chery bombshell

I am shocked but before I can do anything mom calls out to me from down stairs " lolly are you ready?"
" I'm just coming" I just about manage to say.
" lolly hurry up I'm starving get your big butt down stairs now" Betty yells out to me.
" Betty! Be nice to your sister" Mom says shocked that she had spoken to me like that.
I walk down stairs automatically feeling everyone's eyes on me and I uncomfortably shift under everyone's gaze.
Here we go let the games begin ... And my the odds be Never in my favour I mentally say to myself.

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