Chapter 7

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"What's wrong?" Says Mom holding my chin.

I panic and my brain goes into overload, I can't tell her I'll just make it up.

"They won't go away!" I say trying to tare away from her but she keeps a hold of my wrist

"Who lolly?" She asks concerned

"Cheryl and her stupid gang! That's who" I blurt out with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Why? what are they doing?" She asks a rage burning in her eyes

"Just calling me stuff and trying to turn my friends away from me" I say wiping tears from my face, I try to tone it all down a but if she knew they had turned my friends against me long ago and that they were doing more than just call me names then she would do something stupid.

"Don't listen to them, you're an amazing person and nothing is better than being your amazing self!" She says nearly making me choke on my salty tears.

"Thanks" I say still wiping away tears

"Is that all, no one else?" She asks

"Yep only them" I say lying through my teeth, it's everyone. They all hate me and the sad thing is I hate me to, I guess what they say is true if someone says you're ugly enough you'll start to believe them.

Maybe they're right I'm ugly, fat and just worthless and I'm going to change that. I'm going to lose weight I'll have to count calories and I'll have to start to wear make up and dress more hipster. I'm however dragged from this little world in my head when I hear my mum

"Don't lie to me Lauren " She says firmly.

"I'm not look can we just leave it"

"No! We can't just leave it"

"Why?" I ask hoping she would just let it go

"Because I care too much and I am your mother!" She snaps making taking me back.

"Look it's only a few people they'll get bored" I say knowing that they won't.

"Okay, but look we're not finished talking about this!" She says not letting up

"Okay" I say even though I have no plans to talk later.

(2 hours later)

We finally arrive home and I head straight into my bedroom whilst mom starts to prepare dinner "dinner is in half an hour okay lolly?" I nod " are we eating alone?" I ask standing at the first step " your father is on his way home and Betty is at Kevin's but will be home for dinner shortly" I nod and rushed upstairs and climbed onto my bed dreading the thought of having dinner. I decide to take my mind off it all by covering my queen size bed in text books, pens, note books, my lap top and decide to start doing my advanced Spanish homework knowing it wouldn't take me long.
I heard the front door open and close which meant either dad or Betty was home but I wasn't really bothered I was busy with my work.

Down stairs
Betty walked through the front door " hi I'm home" she called out " in here Betty Honey" Alice called out from the kitchen.
" hi mom" Betty said walking into the kitchen.
" hey Honey, have a good day?" Alice said as she chopped away on a carrot before adding it to the salad bowl.
" yeah it was alright I guess, how was yours? How was it with lolly coming with you to work today?" Betty asked reaching over picking up a slice of carrot and munched on it.
" she wasn't too happy but things went okay but, I do have one question to ask and I need you to tell me the truth" stopped the chopping and faced Betty.
" sure what is it? Is lolly okay? Dad?" Alice sighed.
" your father is fine but, is everything alright at school with lolly?" Alice watched Betty tense up slightly before she answered.
" I guess so....why?" Alice sighed.
" Elizabeth I asked you to tell me the truth" Betty frowned " I did I am sure lolly is fine...why what has she said?" Betty seemed shocked but deep down she secretly knew everything was far from fine for lolly.
" apparently Cheryl has been calling her names" Alice raised he eyebrow at Betty.
" really mom! You know what Cheryl Blossom is like sometimes, you've seen it yourself" Betty shrugged.
" okay I will leave it for now" Alice pulled the chicken fillets out of the oven.
" can you tell your sister dinner is ready" Alice called out to Betty before she rushed up stairs.

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