How you meet

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A/N- sorry I know everyone starts with this one but it does seem like a pretty good place to start! I will do a few prefs tonight to get started


"Jamie if you don't come back here right now I'm going to tell your mother that you were mis-" you stop mid sentence and sigh in frustration, Jamie has already rounded a corner completely ignoring your threats. You babysit for this kid every so often but he really is a pain in the ass.

Picking up your pace you follow his prints that he left behind in the sand, the wind stings your eyes and you run a hand through your hair beginning to panic as Jamie is no where to be seen. That damn kid.

Suddenly you spot him a little way down the beach with another little boy, he has a smile plastered on his face but it quickly fades as you approach him, "for gods sake Jamie can't you stay out of people's way?"

A voice speaks up behind him, "he's not in the way." You look up and notice a guy standing there that you hadn't noticed before, his hair is attractively messy and pushed off his forehead in a bandana, your eyes inadvertently trail to his bare torso but you quickly pull yourself together, "he's always running off, if I lose him his mother will sue me."

"Shit, sorry! I hadn't realised he ran away," he runs a hand through his hair before putting it out, "I'm Ashton."

You smile at him and shake his hand, "y/n"

He smiles back showing his dimples, "well maybe I can make it up to you sometime y/n?"


You sit alone in the empty all night cafe stirring your coffee, it's late but you couldn't seem to get to sleep, this is where you go when your insomnia kicks in.

The door creaks open and a blast of cold winter air blows in before the door bangs shut. You look up, it's rare for someone else to be here this late.

A very tall guy in black skinny jeans and a flannel shirt walks in and takes a seat at the table across the room from yours.

You look down again back to your coffee but a moment later he has moved to the table nearer yours, when you look across to him you notice he has a lip ring.

Normally you detest them but he seems to be able to pull it off way better than most guys, he smiles shyly at you; you'd never have put him down as shy but you find it somewhat endearing.

"Hi," you say trying to put him at ease.

"Hey, I'm luke" he says

"Y/n" you reply with a smile.

After that you'd meet Luke at the little late night cafe every night, he was just the boy from the cafe for a while until one day he asked for your number, and the rest is history.


"You've got to be kidding me?" You tell angrily, "I'm sorry y/n," your boyfriend shrugs, "it just happened."

"I'm so done with your shit!" You shout picking up your coat and slamming the door as hard as you can on your way out.

You get into your car and set off dangerously fast, you wipe away tears furiously as you drive. Out of nowhere, a figure appears and you slam down hard on your brakes, the car squeals to a halt and you climb quickly out of your car and run round to where a very wary looking person is standing.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" You stutter as you approach him, he turns to you forcing a smile, "I'm fine, you didn't hit me! You were nearly there though!" He laughs suddenly and runs a hand over his dark hair.

Feeling relieved at his sudden light view on the situation you extend your hand, "y/n" you say and he smiles, "calum," he says shaking your hand.

"I'm really sorry once again," you sigh and he shakes his head, "no no it's okay, i would suggest you slow down a bit though!"

You nod, embarrassed and he smiles, "and maybe give me your number as compensation?"


Your friends insisted they take you out to a bar in a attempt to distract you from your miserable boyfriend situation.

Or maybe ex- boyfriend situation would be more appropriate.

"Shots, really?" You question incredulously as a tray is placed down on your table.

Your best friend nods assuredly, "when life hands you shit, you get hammered!" She says as though it's the most logical theory in the world.

Across the room you notice a guy with eccentric, dyed hair watching you, obviously amused.

You blush and quickly do the shot allowing the burning sensation to run down your throat, he raises his eyebrows at you and you do another trying to prove your point.

After a while he comes over to your table and slides into the booth next to you, your friends hardly notice, too busy giggling over some guy who just sent us drinks.

"Nice hair," you comment and he laughs, his hands go to his pink hair "thanks, I like to think its kind of like candy floss."

You nod, "spot on, very cute."

He frowns but a smile plays on his lips, "I'm not cute, I'm punk rock."

"Sorry sorry! I'm y/n" you say

"Michael." He replies.

"Very punk rock," you say dryly and he smirks, "damn right, I was born punk rock."

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