He gets jealous

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You'd spent the day with some friends but you couldn't wait to get back to see Ashton, when you walked in the house was silent.

"Ash?" You call taking off your coat, when there's no reply you frown and check upstairs.

You knew that Calum and Luke had gone out and Mikey was recording something for the album but Ashton had said he'd be home.

You make your way back downstairs deciding to send ashton a text asking him where he was; he must've found something to do.

You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, you'd been excited to see him but he does have a life too. You enter the living room and jump suddenly at the sight of Aston sitting on the far sofa with a frown on his face staring directly at you,

"Shit Ash, what the hell?" You say, surprised, Ashton turns the laptop on his lap round to face you and you go over and stare at the screen.

You quickly recognise it to be your old tumblr, you frown and look up at him,

"You like Luke better than me." He states and after glancing at the screen again you flush, the majority of your tumblr is plastered with pictures of Luke as well as your user being "futuremrshemmimgs"

You quickly shut the laptop lid and sit down next to ashton who is slumped over, you take his face in your hands and turn it towards yours.

"Ash I haven't used that tumblr for years," you say and he shrugs, "but you like him better."

"That was before I knew you Ash; If you think I'd trade you for Luke you are out of your mind, I love you" you trail off pressing your lips to his ear, "and I know for a fact that drummers bang harder."

You feel ashton smile against you neck, "damn right." He states proudly before connecting his lips roughly with yours, he pushes his hand up your t shirt gently tracing circles in your back, his skin warm against yours.

You run your hands through his hair earning a moan from him, edging closer to him he sits up straighter.

Suddenly there are footsteps behind you, you hear Luke's voice, "Get a room you two!" He says and Ashton laughs taking your hand and pulling you past Calum and Luke, "with pleasure," he replies as he takes you upstairs, he opens the door to his room quickly. As soon as you're inside he pushes it closed and slams you against it to finish what he started.


"Do we have to y/n?" Calum whines as you put the DVD into the player before settling yourself next to Luke, "yes you do!" You reply shortly, Michael groans and sits back, Luke laughs and you curl up next to him in the dark room, he places a hand on your thigh as the film starts.

You had driven the boys to a recording after the car they usually took broke down and now they owed you so you insisted they watch the new Zac Efron movie bad neighbours with you.

Halfway through the film you take a ten minute break to get snacks.

"Fiiine it isn't that bad," Calum says biting back a smile, you nod triumphantly, "doesn't like, every girl on the planet have a thing for Zac efron?" Ashton questions and you feel Luke shift beside you

"Well yeah I guess," you laugh, "I'm not surprised" Michael says, "I would so turn for him."

You laugh at Mikey's comment and stand up to go to the toilet.

Just as you're about to go in you feel two hands on your waist turning you round, you look up and your eyes meet Luke's in the dim light, you hadn't even realised he'd followed you.

He towers over you with his strong arms around your waist pushing you back into the closed bathroom door, "so you like Zac Efron?" he questions and you stare up at him not sure of what to say, "yeah but-"

You're cut off by luke pressing a long finger to your lips, you bite your bottom lip, "I think I might be able to change your mind," he says, his voice low, you nod quickly and he pulls you upstairs, "Zac Efron is going to look like a pile of dog crap by the time I'm done with you." Luke says pushing his mouth hard against yours stopping the laugh that was about to follow from his comment.


You were on tour with the boys, you were really happy because it meant you didn't have to be away from Calum. You were also overly excited to meet One Direction who your boyfriends band were touring with.

On the first night you were waiting for Calum to get out of rehearsal when someone rounded the corner, you immediately recognised him from his signature curls.

Your heart fluttered slightly at the sight of him, he was your favourite member of One Direction and even more adorable in person.

The door opens and Calum comes out, "hey Harry" he says, "hi Cal," he replies glancing at you, Calum turns and see's you, "hey baby!" He says, his face lighting up.

"Oh! Is this your girlfriend?" Harry asks still looking at you, Calum nods putting an arm around your waist, he smiles, "good job cal," you can tell he's joking but you blush, a giggle escaping you.

Calum's arm tightens around you, "I hope to see you around soon," he says smiling, "bye Calum!" He calls waving to both of you.

Calum takes your hand and pulls you in the opposite direction back to the door bus, "Calum what are you-"

You're cut off as Calum's lips crash against yours, "you're mine y/n" he mumbles and you nod quickly, your butterflies increasing more from his touch than any Harry could cause.


You'd been working as an intern at a news printing company for a while, all you did was spellcheck and edit the reports but you needed it to help you secure a future and you actually sort of enjoyed it.

You sigh at the report on your screen which is possibly the most boring thing you've ever read. Looking up at the clock on your wall you're relieved to see it's gone 12 o'clock meaning you can go for your lunch break.

You go into the lunch room to find your friend Jamie, he smiles at you and you sit down in the chair opposite him.

You'd started out with Jamie as interns so you knew each other pretty well thanks to many lunchtimes spent together.

"I literally thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head!" Jamie finishes his story and you lean forward laughing, "what did you do?" You asks and before he replies he looks towards the door.

You turn around to see Michael leaning against the doorframe frowning, you stand up struggling to keep the surprise off your face.

"Hey Mikey! This is my friend Jamie" You say and he smiles at you completely ignoring Jamie, you frown and he takes your hand, "are you okay?" You ask and he shakes his head, "what's wrong?" You ask pulling your hand out of his stopping him in his tracks.

Michael looks down at the floor, "I bet his dick is tiny anyway." He mutters and it takes you a moment to realise what he's talking about.

You take a step towards him, "I bet it is" you whisper playing up to him, the smile on his face makes it worth it.

He opens your office door and let's you in, "what are you doing?" You ask and Michael sits you up on your desk pushing himself between your legs, "reminding you what a real man is." He says pushing his mouth to yours harshly.

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