You turn him on at a bad time

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You had tagged along to the recording studio at Ashton's request, you loved watching him play, he loved it so much. You watch him intently through the glass, chewing subconsciously on your bottom lip. Ashton looks up and catches your eye, one of the drumsticks falls and he blushes, throughout the rest of the recording he watches you whenever he can.

As soon as the song is finished the boys take a break, Ashton shuffles out of the studio and you finally see how hard he is through his black jeans. You giggle and he frowns taking your wrist and pulling you out into the hallway, "chewing that damn lip while I'm trying to concentrate!" He mutters,

"Banging those drums while I'm trying to act innocent," you reply, ashton smirks leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.


You and Luke had managed to allow yourselves to be dragged into babysitting your cousins after their babysitter fell through.

It was frustrating for you as he'd only just gotten back from tour and you wanted some more alone time together but there really was no other option. Your two cousins were running you both ragged around the house, refusing to calm down after Luke had had the genius idea to give them sweets.

"Let's watch a movie!" You suggest and Lucy slides to a halt, "okay." She says and you sigh with relief.

Lucy and Jack both argue over the film until finally deciding on finding nemo. You sit on the sofa with Luke and the kids sprawl out on the floor.

Halfway through the film your hand finds it's way to Luke's leg, you trace circles in it boredly having seen finding nemo a million times. After a minute you look up and notice luke staring at you, his leg tenses and you quickly pull your hand away. Luke leans over to you slowly, "later," he mutters in your ear.


Calum had managed to get time off from touring to attend your graduation which meant the world to you. You waited nervously outside the auditorium for him checking the time on your phone every 30 seconds. When he came round the corner you took off towards him, as soon as he saw you his face broke into a huge smile and he hugged you tightly wrapping his arms around you kissing your neck over and over.

You'd hardly said two words to each other when you were made to go inside. He sat down close to you so that your arms were touching from elbow to shoulder. You'd opted to wear a knee length white dress under your graduation clothes. Your leg began to shake from nerves and Calum rested his hand on it, you gave him a grateful kiss on the cheek just as your name is called.

As you walk back to your seat you notice Calum sitting uncomfortably, his jaw clenched. "You alright?" You ask quietly.

"Yeah," Calum whispers, "but we need to get out of here soon so I can take that dress off you."


You and Michael Clifford had always been... What's the word... Tense. You didn't exactly hate each other, but there was a mutual dislike running between the two of you, which is why when he dropped down in the seat opposite you in the library you were a bit more than surprised.

You glance up for a moment and Michael says without looking up, "wanna stop admiring me?"

You kick him under the table, "shut up you dick."

Michael chuckles, shaking his head before going back to his book. You keep your mouth shut and do the same. A moment later Michael speaks again, "you're reading that?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Um yeah, last time I checked anyway."


You frown, "why do you think? I'll give you a minute to decide because you don't seem to-"

You're interrupted when the librarian glares at you with a sharp "shhh."

You roll your eyes and look down again. "It's a good book." You finish quietly and Michael laughs,

"If you say so."

"Shut up, you wouldn't know anything about good books because you're such a..."

Michael raises an eyebrow as you search for an insult.

"Douchebag." You finish.

You kick yourself mentally afterwards, douchebag really?

"Well if I'm such a doucheabag maybe you need to teach me a lesson." Michael says, your head snaps up and his smug stare causes your entire body to flush.

"I happen to find it very attractive when you're mad at me." He says earning another glare from the librarian.

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