One: On the road

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I swear to god if I don't find a diner or gas station soon my bladder will explode. What was I thinking? Driving for more than 4 hours while drinking too much coffee.

I opened my window while turning up the music, trying to take my mind of the urge to find a toilet. I looked on the clock and let out a sigh, almost midnight..... I should really find a place to crash the night, or else my car will be my bed, again.

I let out a big scream when I saw a small sign at the side of the road: 'Welcome to Riverdale' Finally some civilization I thought to myself, looks like an peaceful small town to me.

After some minutes I arrived at Riverdale, and indeed it looked like the smallest town I had ever seen. Looking at all the houses in the neighborhood I turned my focus back on the road.

I hit the brakes immediately when a ginger boy stood in front of my car. "What the fuck!" I screamed loudly. He heard my screaming and looked at my with a worried face, but ran off as soon as I opened my door.

I ran after the boy but he quickly got to his house and got in. "Hey!" I tried to get his attention, but he never came back.

I got back in my car and looked at my phone: no new messages or missed calls. "Of course", I muttered to myself, "Why would they even bother checking up on me?".

I started the engine and left the street where I almost hit a boy. Finally I saw a bright sign: Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe. "Please please please let the food be good!" I thought to myself as I made my way to the entrance.

I quickly ran back to my car to take my laptop with me, you never know if inspiration is going to hit you.

A subtle bell rang as I stepped inside the diner. The owner of the place nods and gives me a sweet smile, which I returned without hesitation. I scanned the place and saw three people inside the diner: an older couple and a young boy wearing a beanie.

I decided to go and sit in the booth next to the young boy. I took my laptop out of my bag when the owner came to my table. "What can I get you young lady?" his old and sweet voice asked me. "Uhm could you get me a big big cup of coffee? " I smiled as I opened my file on my laptop.


"Planning on staying awake all night I see?" I heard when I typed down a few words. I looked up to see the beanie wearing boy looking at me.

I gave him a smirk while saving my work, "Yeah I rather plan on getting some work done, nighttime inspires me more than daytime." He smirks at my comment and watches the owner bringing my cup of coffee. "Pop can you get me the same please?" I heard him ask.

"I see you have the same plans as me?" I asked while a took a sip of me cup. "Well actually this is kinda my everyday habit." he says while Pop gave him his coffee.

"Don't you mean your nightly habit? Considering the hour?" I smirk at him while looking at the older couple leaving the diner.

After an hour of writing I hear someone moving and sitting in front of me. I close my laptop screen and look at the beanie wearing boy with a smirk, "How is your writing going? Not so productive I see? Or I can rather hear it, you don't stop sighing."

I say while taking a new cup of coffee from Pop. "Well..." he starts, "I am writing something delicate or maybe even gruesome, so I just take my time." he states.

I look at him with a smile "You had me at gruesome, please tell me more." He let out a laugh at my answer and looked at his laptop, starting to read out loud.

"Our story is about a town, a small  town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world Safe. Decent. Innocent. Get closer, though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale. And our story begins, I guess, with what the Blossom twins did this summer. On the Fourth of July, just after dawn, Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride."

He looked at me waiting for my opinion. As I kept silent I saw disappointment in his eyes, "I know it's shit, sorry I shouldn't have bothered you with this". He closed his laptop screen and got out of the booth.

I stopped him, "No no please, don't take my silence as negative. I think it's amazing... By the way what's your name?". He chuckled at my sudden question, "Jughead and you?" he says as he shakes me hand. "Melissa, it's nice to meet a future successful writer!"

We continue to write while talking and asking things about our lives. Luckily Jughead is just like me, open but with a clearly marked boundary.

Our typing is interrupted by Pop who comes to our booth, "Hey kids I'm gonna close up for the night, so you'll have to continue your writing somewhere else.".

We smile at him and close our laptop screens at the same time. "Look at us, in sync and everything." Jughead jokes at me. I laugh and give him a push while leaving Pop's.

"So... I'm gonna head back to my car and probably sleep in there and continue my drive in the morning. Maybe we'll see each other again, at one of your future book signings or something." I joke as I make my way back to my car.

"Hey Melissa wait! If you want to crash somewhere more decent, you can crash at mine. It's not really four seasons style, but it'll do." He waits for my answer as I continue to walk to my car.

"Well, lead the way to your suite will you?" I say while I open my car. He laughs and points his finger at me, "You,... are something girl."


"And this my lady is the pride of our small town Riverdale, the Twilight Drive-In." he says while he bows for me.

I laugh and look at the place, "This looks old, dirty and ready tocollapse... I love love love it" I run around the property while Jughead is watching me.

This place gives me the chills, but in a good and vibrant way. I take my phone out of my bag and put some music on: 'Zealots of Stockholm by Childish Gambino'. As soon as the bass comes trough I start to move my body, feeling every inch of my body.

I hear Jughead clap his hands, "You're a writer and a dancer, that's a strange combination." I laugh and stop the music while walking back to Jughead who was leaning against the projection booth.

"Saying that you never date older dudes? Really?" he refers to a line from the song I was just dancing on. "Haha, never say never Jughead." I say with a wink.

"I suggest we better get some sleep if you want to be able to resume your drive tomorrow." he says while opening the door to the booth. I smile as I walk inside, ready to get some sleep while thinking about this town.

This town that seems to hide way more than shadows, as Jughead said. This town that fakes to be a town that it once was and never will be again.

Comments, advice, questions? Let me know!

Xoxo Mel

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