Six: Threats and flirts

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This walk is taking ages, how will I ever get to my car alive. I was walking for like 30 minutes, and still no sight of it.

"Maybe it was here... Oh no definitely there." I mutter to myself, looking at all the trees.

And finally I see the burned out car, "YES! Thank god!" I let out while walking a bit further to where my car should be.

"What? Oh no no no shit." I curse and let myself fall down on the road. My car isn't here anymore, so it's stolen or the police took it with them.


I hear a car honking behind me, as I turn around I see a car stopping next to me. "Hey there sweetheart, you need a ride?" an old creepy guy asks me while giving me a pervy wink.

"Oh uhm no thanks I..." I look around to find an excuse. As I see the Pop sign I smile, "I was just going to Pop's so no need to. But thanks anyway."

"Well that's a shame." he says while I make my way over to Pop's. And before entering I can still see the guy looking at me, "Uh gross, what a perv."

I feel a big arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to a hard chest. As I look up I see FP grinning at me.

"I thought you needed some help." he says while gesturing to the creepy guy, who was finally driving away.

I get out of his grip to enter Pops, "Where is your leather jacket by the way, thought it was your thing?"

He chuckles at my comment. "What? You don't like this look?" pointing at his flannel that he was wearing.

"It's just that well, that leather jacket suits you." I say with a wink before turning around. I hear him laugh, god damn that laugh.

As I scan the place I see Jughead and Archie by the counter. "Jughead I need you." I say while standing in front of them.

"I thought I was too young for you? he jokes at me.

"No seriously Jug, I...something weird happened and I..." I say while seeing FP enter the diner and sitting down in a booth with Fred Andrews.

Jughead follows my gaze and sees me looking at FP, "Melissa? What is going on?" he says while waving in front of my face.

I hesitate before speaking. How can I say that I saw him and Betty, and more importantly that I saw FP burning down that car. What have I gotten myself into?

"I saw something last n-...." but someone cut me off.

"Melissa Devrin?" I hear a voice ask. As I turn around a see the sheriff standing in the middle of the diner.

"Uhm yes that's me." I say while looking at Jughead with confusion. "You need to come with me to the station." He says while gesturing the door.

"But I don't understand... Why?" I ask still not figuring everything out.

"It's about the Blossom case." he says. Everyone in the diner stops eating and talking, they all look at me. Oh shit this is about my car, they must have found it.

"Sheriff Keller, she doesn't even knew Jason." Jughead says while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Then explain me why we found her car at the crime scene yesterday?"

I hear Jughead mutter a silent "What?" but I only have eyes for FP. I see him looking down and shaking his head to meet my eyes, he knows I saw him.

"I'll come with you sheriff." I say while following him outside.

"Melissa." I hear Jughead calling me, "It's okay Jug, don't worry I'll explain later."

Leather jackets and wandering thoughts - FP JONESWhere stories live. Discover now