The New Student

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I jolted out of bed when my alarm clock began screaming at me to wake up. A groan echoed from my throat as I flopped back into my pillows. Time to get ready for school. At least it's Friday, I thought as I dragged my hand through my messy platinum blonde locks. I moved my pale skinny legs over the edge of the bed and stood up in my dark room. The cold air prompted me to get dressed quickly in gray jeans, a purple t-shirt, and a black jacket. I grabbed my ring and shoes and slipped out the door to the kitchen. Opening the fridge door I nabbed a blood bag, slid on my shoes and ring, and sat down on my couch. My fangs elongated as I bit into the plastic, and I kept an eye on the clock as I finished my breakfast. Draining the last of the red liquid I tossed the empty bag into the trash and headed for the door, grabbing my backpack off the ground on my way. I hesitated to exit my apartment, waiting to see if I would burn to ashes from the sun. When the action didn't occur thanks to my enchanted ring, I continued on my way to high school. I lived only two blocks away from the prison so I walked there every day. Once I arrived at the brick building many other students had already arrived. My heightened senses picked up on the newest gossip as usual.

"Did you hear we're getting three new students?" The popular girl, Jenny, asked her friend, Samantha.

"Yeah, I heard two of them were hot guys." The other girl replied.

New students huh? I thought. Sounds interesting. I continued to the school and headed towards my homeroom.


I walked to fourth period, History, my least favorite subject since I was there for most of it. At least it was right before lunch. I entered the near-empty classroom since I slightly used my increased speed to get here. I slumped into a desk in the back corner of the room and the rest of my classmates filed into the room. The teacher, Mr. Maknamera, was about to start the lesson when the door opened to reveal an unfamiliar student. He had shaggy dark brown hair, tan skin, and a muscular figure.

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost," the new student said with a deep voice.

"It's alright since it's your first day," The teacher took a look at his desk "Mr. Knight, please take a seat."

The last desk open was the one next to me. His eyes locked with my purple ones for a second when he moved to sit down. His green irises flashed to gold for a moment before returning to their original color. So he's a werewolf, things are about to get complicated, he smiled at me as he sat in his seat.

"Name's Anthony Knight," he stated, holding a hand out for me to shake.

"Ethan Standford," I replied returning the gesture. Mr. Maknamera started the lesson and I tuned out.


When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of 4th period, I grabbed my backpack and headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I entered the loud enclosed space and sat down, I wasn't hungry, at least, not for the food they were serving. I heard a clatter of a tray as Anthony sat down next to me along with two other people, I wonder if they're werewolves too.

"This is my best friend Max," Anthony said, gesturing to the blonde haired male sitting across from him. "And his ma-girlfriend Jessica." The girl with chocolate brown locks sitting next to Max waved.

"Ethan." I supplied my name with a smile. Wait, why am I so open all of a sudden?

"Nice to meet you," Jessica responded with a grin. Anthony started to chat with his friend and the bubbly girl joined in on the conversation. I leaned my head against my hand and listened to the chatter around us.

"The new kids are hanging with him," Deric, the quarterback, told his fellow football players.

"Didn't his last friend go missing?" Leam, one of Deric's lackeys, inquired.

"Wonder what happened to her," Ryan, another blind follower, responded. They were talking about Kylie. She was a fellow vampire and a young one at that. Only five centuries old. She slipped into a blood rage and murdered a lot of humans. I had no other choice than to kill her, but I tried to make it as painless as I could. Stop thinking about her, I scolded myself and turned to the new students chatting happily.

"Hey, Ethan?" Max tried to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I replied looking at him.

"Why are they staring at us?" he asked, gesturing to the males that were talking about me just a few moments earlier.

"They're the school's football players, and they're staring because you guys are hanging with the dubbed 'Badboy'. Don't know what I did to get that title though," I answer, sighing as Deric walked over to us like he owned the place.

"Oi, Ethan!" he boomed, hurting my sensitive ears.

"What the f*** do you want?" I spat in annoyance.

"Why are they hanging with s*** like you, ya trying to get them to join whatever gang you're part of?" Deric retorted, a smirk growing on his face.

"I'm not part of a gang, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your sorry a**." I grinned.

"You want to try?" he asked.

"I'd rather not get suspended thank you," I responded.

"Well too bad," he said as he swung a fist towards my face. Before I could react, Anthony had grabbed onto Deric's wrist, preventing his hand from making contact with his target.

"Leave him alone," the werewolf growled.

"What you gonna do about it?" the quarterback retaliated. Anthony gripped his wrist harder, making Deric wince.

"I'll snap your wrist," he replied.

"Okay! I'll leave him alone, no need to be breaking bones." Deric quickly returned to his group and Anthony then turned to me with slight worry in his eyes.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I responded with a smile, "Thanks for that."

"No problem."

The bell then rang and I sighed, time to continue learning, as I left the crowded room I heard Max talking to Anthony.

"Why'd you suddenly get all protective?" he asked.

"I think Ethan's my mate," Anthony said.

"What, really?!" Max replied, completely flabbergasted.

"Surprised me too." A smile grew on his face. I stopped listening, I'm a werewolf's mate. He is hot though. I shook my head and made my way to my fifth period.

Soulmates?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ