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At the end of the day, I walked up to Anthony.

"Hey," I said.

"You okay? After the fire alarm?" he asked in worry.

"Yeah, I'm better now. Thanks for helping me." I told him with a small smile on my face.

"Can I, um, can I walk you home?" he asked, tilting his head in a cute manner, almost like a puppy.

"Yeah, I'd like that," I responded, I guess I'm getting more comfortable with my soulmate faster than I thought I would. Anthony and I exited the school chatting happily about whatever. Once I made it to my porch the sky was dark and littered with stars, that was when I asked him a question that had been on my mind. "Hey, Anthony?"


"How, how old are you?"

"Me? Well, about 23 centuries."

"Really? Huh, were you born a werewolf?"

"Yes, actually."

I paused for a moment and made note of the time.

"Will you be able to get home in the dark?" I asked

"I'm a werewolf Ethan." he chuckled. "I'll be fine."

"What if you run into another vampire? What if you run into a gang of them?" I said, why am I so worried about him? Is it because we're mates? Probably.

"Ethan, will it make you feel better if I spent the night here?" he inquired.

"I-I, I mean, I-I would like it if you would, b-but I don't really have a lot of normal food." I stuttered.

"I'll stay the night, okay? I'll be fine not eating much for dinner." Anthony reassured me. I nodded, opening my apartment door to my cozy home, and realized I didn't have a guest room, and Anthony had also come to that conclusion.

"W-where do want to sleep? I can take the couch if you want."

"What size bed do you have?"

"A queen why?"

"Why don't we just share then, Ethan?"

"I-I, um, i-if you want to then, I guess we can."

"We'll do that then."

I just nodded and made Anthony some dinner, setting it on the counter. Anthony came over, took a seat, and started to eat, humming in delight at the food I made. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing if it was okay to drink blood in front of him.

"Aren't you going to eat Ethan?" he asked.

"Are you comfortable with me drinking blood in front of you? I can wait if you want," I responded.

"I'll be fine, eat something you stupid vampire," He chuckled. I opened the fridge and pulled out a blood bag before hopping on the counter. My fangs grew and I bit into the bag, slowly sucking the red liquid out of it. Once it was empty I threw it in the trash before drinking a glass of water. I looked over at Anthony's plate and noticed it was empty. I grabbed the dish and put it in the sink to wash in the morning.

"Bed?" Anthony inquired.

"Okay," I replied. We made our way to my dark bedroom. I flicked on the light and fiddled nervously with the hem of my shirt. I looked over to Anthony to see him pulling of his shirt, revealing a muscled chest I stared at.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled.

"Shut up." I glared at him before slowly beginning to peel off my pants as I just wear a shirt and boxers to bed. Anthony, now just in his underwear, which was very distracting, pulled me towards my bed. I crawled under the soft covers with Anthony snuggled up behind me. I freed my arm from the blanket cocoon to remove my enchanted ring. Anthony noticed the silver band with a sapphire embedded in it.

"What's that?" he asked.

"An enchanted ring from a witch friend to keep me from bursting into flames when I go out in the sun," I answered, placing the valuable piece of jewelry on the nightstand. Anthony nodded before I turned off the light. He wrapped his arms around me before we both fell asleep, I should stop questioning myself on my actions.


I slowly awoke from the blissful darkness of sleep to Anthony's arms still wound around my waist. I looked at the clock to see that it was 1:34 pm. Well, I guess we're not going to school today. I slowly rolled over to see Anthony's peaceful face. He was still fast asleep. This whole soulmate thing is easier than I thought it would be. I nuzzled into his chest, humming in content, and considered falling back asleep before my stomach growled in disagreement.

"Anthony...." I said quietly, trying to rouse the werewolf who has me trapped in a cage he calls his arms, "Anthony."

"Mm, what?" he mumbled.

"I need to go eat unless you want me biting you and draining your blood," I told him, struggling against his iron grip.

"Stay in bed a little longer?"

"No," I said.

"Please?" he asked, trying to give me a kicked puppy look.

"I will bite you."

"Okay, okay, I'll let you go."

I sigh before exiting my room and going to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a blood bag before slumping in a chair. I quietly drank my red breakfast as I waited for Anthony to fully wake up. I closed my eyes for a second before I felt arms wrap around me. My eyes snap open to see Anthony cuddled up to me, he shouldn't sneak up on me like that. I released my bite on the plastic bag to raise an eyebrow at him.

"And why are you coddling me while I'm eating?" I asked.

"Because I feel like it," he responded, nuzzling into my chest.

"But I'm eating," I complained.

"I don't care."


Anthony had left that evening, sadly he needed to return to home. I curled into my bed, searching for the remainder of that stupid, tall, handsome, you're getting off track, werewolf's scent.

Why is he so addicting? I hate how quickly I got used to his presence in my life. Is it because of the whole soulmate thing? Ugh, why do these things happen to me?

A sudden ringing from my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I grabbed the device and pressed pick up button, lifting it to my ear. A voice I haven't heard in centuries rang into my ear. It was my younger sister Silvia.

"Ethan? I-is that you?" She asked shakily.

"S-silvia? H-how?" I stuttered.

"I-I was turned in-into a vampire, how, how are you alive?" She inquired.

"Where are you?"

"I can smell you so, so I assume I'm in your town."

"Meet me at the ice cream parlor on 4th street, now."


I ended the call.

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