Chapter 2

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Hinata paced down the hall, his eyebrows scrunched up to form an unhappy 'W' on his forehead. Yesterday's fiasco had caused him extreme embarrassment and probably hate from Sugawara Kaoru. "I'm such an idiot!!!" the redhead yanked his hair in agony, yelling.

"I'm glad you acknowledge that, but stop being so loud," Kageyama quipped as he walked past.

"Kageyama!" Hinata suddenly grabbed his jacket sleeve. "Help me find Kaoru-san so I can apologize to her!"


To everyone's surprise, Kaoru hit a perfect receive to Kageyama after Asahi's serve. He had been aiming at Yamaguchi, but Kaoru had suddenly appeared alongside him and perfectly received it. "Not bad," Kageyama grinned slightly, tossing to Tsukishima.

Kaoru just kept his eyes on the ball. For some odd reason, it felt as if he had no aura or presence at all, Tsukishima noticed with curiosity. Kaoru kept moving, gliding effortlessly to receive the volleyball straight to Kageyama. Finally, after two points, Hinata was up to serve.

Aw man, of all people to be up for a serve, it's me! I have to make a good impression on Sugawara-senpai's cousin since he sounds like an amazing volleyball player! Hinata fretted, squeezing the ball. "Here goes!!!"

He threw it up and aimed, but his eyes were closed. Again. And the volleyball ended up hitting the back of Kaoru's head. Everybody stared as time seemed to stand still as Kaoru fell forward, and his baseball cap flew off his head.

"Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka...Kaoru's a GIRL?!" Hinata yelled.

[End Recap]---

After that, before even checking on Kaoru, Hinata had bolted for the bathroom and stayed in there for at least half an hour. When he finally emerged, still slightly grey in the face, the team explained that Kaoru had left after getting a bloody nose.

"C'mon, Kageyamaa," Hinata begged. "Please help me find her!"

"Find who?" a girl suddenly popped out of the second years' classroom.

Hinata and Kageyama took a step back away from the peppy girl with slight caution. "Ah...we're looking for Sugawara Kaoru-san," the setter explained to the girl slowly.

"Oh! Kaoru-chan? I'm looking for her, too, and it seems like my idiotic brother wouldn't help, so let's team up!" the girl announced, pointing a finger at the two.



"'re Misa-san...?" Kageyama was trailing after the beautiful brunette they had encountered earlier.

"Yeah~ But call me Misa-senpai! It sounds more official and better!" she held up a fist with shining eyes. Meanwhile, she had her other arm wrapped around Hinata's neck.

"P-Please...let go...of meee!" a blushing Hinata protested as he was dragged along.

"Nope~ Too cute to let loose~" Misa-senpai winked, cuddling him even tighter. "It's not often I get to catch a shota like you at school, fufufu~"

Kageyama pretended not to notice. "Practice is almost starting, so we might as well head back to practice, Hinata," he listened to the bell toll. "The apology can wait."

"Ooh, what are you guys practicing?" Misa suddenly perked up.

"V-Vo-Volley...b-ball..." Hinata gasped, still flailing.

"Ehh?! Really now? My brother is on the team, too! I guess I'll have to let you go then," Misa sighed, releasing her death grip as Hinata hacked for air.

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