Extra 1.5

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"Thanks for your hard work, everyone," Yui was smiling at the six other girls who exited the gym.  When they were gone, she sighed, sitting down on the bleachers.

"What's captain doing here so late?" a voice suddenly pierced through the darkness, startling the short-haired ravenette and catching her by surprise.  A shadow walked in, revealing Tanaka Misa.

"Ah, Misa-chan," Yui smiled a bit tiredly.  "What's up?"

"Yui."  Misa stood in front of the captain.  "Let's play just for a bit.  I'll toss for you just a little."

The captain was slightly confused as to why the setter wanted to play since the sun was setting, but she didn't question her about the matter.  Whenever Misa had something on her mind, she talked...after volleyball.

"All right, then," Yui hopped up with enthusiasm.  "Let's go!~"


They had been tossing for five minutes, and the two finally decided to stop, heading out to the Foothills Convenience Store nearby.  After ordering two buns - Misa's treat - the two girls sat down outside, staring at the beautiful sunset.

"Yui, do you despise me?" Misa asked a bit quietly, staring up.

"Huh?  No, how could I?" Yui gently pushed her friend with a grin.  "C'mon, Misa-chan, what's on your mind?"

"I was just absorbed in something menial, haha," Misa stood to her feet.  "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Bright and early, like usual, right?" Yui returned the happy smile, waving as she watched her friend walked off.  However, as soon as she had turned away, Yui frowned.  It was true that Misa had been skipping more practices lately, but she had always come to the early morning practices, so Yui had nothing to complain about.

Perhaps, it was something of the past that was bothering her...

--[Six years ago...]--

"Tanaka Misa, first year, nice to meet you!  I play anywhere you want me to!"  Misa had entered Kitagawa Daiichi with bright hopes for her as a starter on the volleyball team.  The girls' club which was sitting on the floor around the first years clapped courteously.

"Oh, Misa, you're here, too!"

Misa blinked, turning around to see who was talking to her.  The introductions had just finished, and everyone, including guys, were scattered across the gym.  It was her childhood friend, Oikawa Tooru.  "Ah, Tooru, you joined, too?" she grinned brightly, punching him lightly in the shoulder.  "We'll be the fire and ice on the court!"

"Itee," Tooru held his hands up.  "You're not ladylike at all..."

"What'd you say?!" she held up a fist.

That had been...a fleeting dream so many years ago.

--[Five years ago...]--

"Hey, Misa," Tooru was saying as the two of them sat on the roof.  "So did you hear...?"

Misa was in the middle of wolfing down her sandwich.  "Hmm...?"

"That guy in 3-C was going to confess to you today."

"So?" the nonchalant answer threw Tooru off guard.

"W-Well, don't you care in the slightest?" Tooru asked, slightly anxious, leaning against the fence.

"Nope.~" Misa grinned.  "Cuz I got you, right?" she smiled.

Tooru blushed immensely.  "W-What's that supposed to mean?"

She smiled.  "Noothing~"

After that small incident, the school society learned that Misa and Tooru of the volleyball teams were dating.

We'll always rely upon each other to persevere.

--[Four years ago...]--

"Is it true that Oikawa-senpai was actually cheating on Tanaka-senpai this whole time...?"

"Yeah, something about only using her to help him in volleyball..."

"How horrible..."

Unbeknownst to the three girls in the bathroom, Misa was in the stall, standing against the door.  She waited until they had left, then exited the bathroom slowly.

"Yo, took a while," Tooru glanced over at Misa with his trademark smile.

"Well, so-orry," she stuck her tongue out good-naturedly, her hands clasped behind her back.

Sorry, but...I don't want to keep these half-hearted feelings anymore.


"What, you're thinking about going to Nekoma?" the news startled Oikawa Tooru.  "But why?  Didn't you apply to Aojo?  It's so much better!"

Misa shrugged.  "It offers something better," she merely stated.

However, Tooru could kind of guess what that would be.  "Well...I guess it's your choice, I can't force you to change your mind."

Because if he did...what's the point anyways?


"Oi, Aneki, you got home late," Ryosuuke glanced up from his dinner with slight amusement.  "What's up?"

"I was just thinking about stuff, baa-ka," Misa flicked his forehead then headed upstairs to her own room, ignoring the protests coming from her younger brother.  She flopped onto the bed and noticed that Kaoru had texted her while she was out.

Don't feel so down.  I noticed it today when you left.

As expected of that girl.  Nothing missed her sight.  Misa smiled then set her phone aside.  Time to rest.



A sneak peek into Tanaka Misa-senpai's past!  There's another part coming up soon.  When?

SOON. XD  Thank you all!

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