Part 6: Fix this

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TOMS POV- its been two weeks till that last conversation with Edd and Tords been locking himself in his room refusing food everyday, I hear mumbles from the other door and crying every so often, no I'm thinking did he hear the conversation with Edd?

I walk to Tords room while thinking, "Tord let me in." I think I hear footsteps "why?" you will figure out if you open the god damn to or I'm kicking it down." Maybe I sounded a bit to harsh? I heard small footsteps to the door, the door opened showing Tord in just his hoodie and nothing else "Do you were that thing everyday?" I asked "I could ask the same to you" I noticed his problem, he had huge bags under his eyes, he was tiny as in not eating in a long time, its like he was basically bone.

I grab his wrists and look, lucky there's nothing there. I grab him and pull him to the bed, pulled him up in my lap and hugged him. "why are you being so nice?" I leaned down to his ear "Cause maybe I think you've not talked to me is because you heard that conversation, and what I now is that what I said is wrong, I want my loving Kinky shit I love."

And with that he quickly fell asleep with a smile, I cuddled up with him.

 "Guess I fixed this didn't I."

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