Chapter 1

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"Grace, time for dinner," Mom called from downstairs.

I've been sitting on my bed rereading my old secret diary. Smiling to myself as I place my hand on my necklace replaying that happy day in my mind. I can't believe it's been five years already, and it has been the best years of my life.

"Coming," I yelled back, jumping off my bed.

I quickly put the lock back on my diary and put it in the small chest that I keep under my bed. Then I run down the stairs and head for the kitchen.


I walked into my bathroom and locked the door behind myself. I always try to squeeze a bath in my night schedule. Making sure I had my necklace on I turned the water on and filled the tub up. Then after getting undressed, I sat in the tube and let the warm water relax my body

Aha, there's nothing like a nice bath after a long day of school and homework. I smiled to myself as the familiar numbness of my legs started, and they joined forming my tail. It turns out that after so many time of transforming I don't even need to make a wish anymore. I guess my body is just so used to it. I just really have to concentrate on what I wanted to do, as long as I had my necklace on though. I couldn't do anything without it. Finally, the tip of my purple tail fin broke the surface of the soapy bath water. I Lifted my tail up I examine all the different shades of turquoise and sea foam green. Watching it sparkle in the light like there was a ton of glitter poured on it was still so memorizing. I could stare at it all day.

The one downside to being a mermaid for me is that I don't have anywhere to swim. I live in New York, but not near the Great Lakes. It's a long car drive, believe me, I've gone there. My family also has a small pool, but I live in a busy neighbor, and I don't want someone to see me out their window. That would be terrible. At least I have my bath every night, but being crammed in a bathtub sometimes isn't always ideal.

I look at the clock on the wall at the other side of the room and realize that it's almost ten o clock pm. Shoot I've been in the tub for over an hour. I quickly picture my tail forming back into legs and concentrate. I watch as my tail splits in two, then drain the water from the tub, and wrap a big green fluffy towel around myself. I go into my bedroom and put on my blue cotton shorts with coral sea stars on them and a matching tank top. Then I put my necklace in the chest under my bed, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.


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