Chapter 4

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This house is fantastic; I'm going to like it here. The house is a dusty blue color, with a gray roof, and white molding. Both stories have a deck that wraps around the whole house. There's even a deck on the roof; I thought maybe we could get a small fire pit to put up there. We could sit around it at night, roast marshmallows, and watch the stars.

I head up to my new room to start unloading all my boxes. My bedroom walls are a nice clean white with light brown wood floors. There's plenty of space for my furniture so that the room doesn't look cramped. And the view is fantastic, I opened the door to the deck at the other end of my room and stepped outside.

Since I'm the oldest, Mom and Dad let me have first picked. Of course, I choose the room with the best view of the beach. I am a mermaid, after all, I need to be able to see the ocean. It's breathtaking; the water is so blue and calm. I can look at it forever.

One more thing to add, I also have my own bathroom. No more sharing one with my brother and sister. It also has white walls with a tile floor. A long counter with a lot of drawers, cabinets, a sink, and mirror. And last but not least, there's a white stone bathtub that's also a shower.

"Hey Grace, are you up there?" Amy yells as she comes up the stairs.

"Yeah, Amy I'm up here," I call back as I come back into my room.

"Mom said we should all help get the the kitchen set up so that she can go food shopping in the morning."

"Okay, I'm coming. Hey, Amy race you to the kitchen!" I say

"Oh, it is on sister." She says back.

We both burst out of my room, race down the hallway to the staircase and run downstairs. Oh, I'm so going to beat her this time, she's only inches behind me. I reach my hand out and touch the kitchen wall before Amy does.

"YAY, I GRACE THE MAGNIFICENT HAS FINALLY WON. LET THIS BE An IMPORTANT DAY IN HISTORY." I start doing a little victory dance looking like a fool. Amy is just standing there trying to hold back her laughter, which just causes the both of us to burst out laughing.

"Alright you two, calm down and come give me a hand." Dad chuckles as he and the rest of the family are unloading boxes.

(A/N) Hi everyone I'm so sorry for not updating, I know it been two months since I did chapter three. I know this chapter isn't very big, I just wanted to get the moving process done before moving on.

I'm planning to have Grace go swimming in the next chapter, which will be a lot of fun to write. Also, she might meet someone.

I also wanted to thank you all for reading this book. It already has over 300 views!

Okay, see you soon.

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