The Invitation

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"Uh..Please do."

I said, as I rubbed my eyes.

"You're dreaming! None of this is real!" He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head. "Nice try Will. But, I know how my dreams go, and this isn't it." I replied, a bit on edge. I mean, who wouldn't be, if they'd just saw their best friend change from a cat back to a human.

He chuckled. "Oh, come on, you've never 'ad a dream, about me naked? I know that's a lie Luxe.." He teased.

My face hardened, and I crossed my arms. "Will. Don't change the subject. What's going on here? What did I just see?!" I asked, becoming a bit frantic. "And come on! Cover yourself up!" I exclaimed.

He grabbed a cover, and wrapped it around his waist, before sighing. "Okay Luxe, listen to me.." He trailed off, before taking a deep breath. "I'm a familiar."

My eyes widened. I don't know why, but I believed him. Should I? I mean, it's crazy. But, Will rarely lied to me. And even when he did, it was easy to tell. He was dead serious about this.

I tilted my head, and furrowed my brows. "A familiar? Like a witch's pet?" I asked.

His face dropped, and he exhaled sharply. "Companion. A witch's companion." He corrected, seeming  a bit offended.

"!" I exclaimed, before my face started to scrunch up. "We've had sex. D-Did I have sex, with a cat?! That's disgusting!"

He seemed to get more offended, and I felt bad.

"No, wait..I'm're not disgusting Will. It's's weird." I said, thinking over.

"Look, 'm not a cat. I'm a man, a human man, that 'as the ability, to turn into a cat." He explained. "And maybe a few personality traits are 'va same.." He mumbled.

"So're Zazzles, aren't you?" I asked, suddenly understanding why the cat was never around when Will was.

"Yes. And I freaking hate 'vat name. Also, you can't just pick me up whenever you want! And, the food you've been leaving out, is really bad. I'd prefer somefing that tastes maybe?!" He ranted, taking me by surprise. Then he sighed. "Sorry, I just..needed to say 'vat."

I breathed a laugh, before clearing my throat.

"Will..who's your witch..?" I asked, already suspecting the answer.

"Why do think 'm always here? Why we're so close?'re a witch." He explained. "You're my witch.."

There was so much going through my mind right now. Do my dreams have something to do with this? I felt like I was gonna pass out. I hoped this was a dream like he'd suggested earlier. But I knew better than that.

"Do I have powers?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, you do. But you have to learn them first. Typically, in cases like yours, we wait until you find out for yourself, and then if you want to be taught, we teach. Or you can ignore it, and move on."

"Cases like mine..?"  I questioned.

"Well, you never knew your parents. They were both witches. But, you didn't grow up being one, so you never 'ad training from a young age. In cases like mine, I'm..what you would call half-magic I guess.." He explained.

I only grew more confused. "What? How are you not a witch too..?"

"Well, you see..whenever only one of your parents, or neither of you parents, are magic, but you are, they make you test to see if you're a witch, or somefing else. I'm somefing else. The animal, a familiar becomes, depends on the human's personality. Well, I act like a cat I guess." He replied.

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