Same Mistakes

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"It was nothing Marty. the ones you used to give me before." I stated nervously.

He scoffed. "Love, 'm guessing it was more related to our time togeva? Am I correct?" He flirted, as his hands travelled to my waist, he pressed his body into mine slightly.
"Maybe, I could give you some more dream material..Are you up for 'vat?" He started before chuckling slightly. "Oh, wait..'vat's right, you're gonna pretend like you aren't. Do I need to kiss you like I did last time, in order for you to make up your mind?"
He said starting to lean in.

I put my finger on his lips to stop him.
"Not this time."

His eyes widened, as I pushed him away slightly, he licked his lips.
"Ah, so it's gonna be harder this time? I do love a challenge. I'll be sure to 'ave somefing hard for you in return, don't worry." He winked, causing me to roll my eyes.

Aleister cleared his throat. "Well, that's my cue to leave." He stated dryly, before leaving the house, shaking his head as he did so.

Marty cocked his head, and smirked. "Were you just waiting to be alone Love? I forgot 'ya didn't want anyone to know I'm your dirty little secret."
I shook my head.

"Don't say it like that. It's not a continuous thing. It happened once. More of a mistake, than anything else." I smirked.

He scoffed. "Oh really? Do you usually 'ave dreams about repeating past mistakes on purpose? Do you usually 'ave to hold in screams 'ov pleasure when it's a mistake? Do you usually blush 'vis much, when someone refers to one of your mistakes?" He smirked.

I knew my face was turning bright red, I bit my lip, trying to tell myself this was a horrible idea.

"Is 'vis really about Will?" He asked, as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "Because, I already know he knows. I take it he still lives 'wif you. So, I'd say he's probably come to peace 'wif this hmm?"

"Wait a second, did you know he could see us?" I asked. He scoffed, and nodded.

"'Ov course I did Love."

"And you just kept going!?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, 'm sorry. Should I 'ave stopped?" He asked, I said nothing, causing his smirk to grow. "'Vat's 'wha I thought. But, let's not talk about 'va past. I'd like to hear more about 'vis dream of yours.." He trailed off.

I leaned back against the wall, agitated by how charming he was. He smirked, as he placed his hands on the wall behind me.

"How did I talk to you?" He asked, putting his face closer to mine. "Did I whisper all 'va 'fings I was gonna do to you?" He whispered in my ear. "Or maybe I left it up to surprise?"

"Um..there wasn't a w-whole lot of talking going on.." I choked out, causing his smirk to grow, he laced his fingers with mine, and pinned my hands against the wall.

"Oh, I love 'va sound 'ov vat.." He started. "How did I touch you?" He asked, staring into my eyes. I licked my lips, and shook my head.

"Um..well.." I trailed off, becoming flustered, only to have him let go of my hands.

"I'm sure what you were about to say, was quite interesting, and I'd love to show you what it'd actually feel like, and ask you more, like how I kissed you, or most importantly, how I f*cked you in general, but, you aren't interested. Right? Well, you know where the door is Love." He smiled, turning to walk away.

I sighed in annoyance. "D*mmit.." I mumbled, before grabbing his arm. "Wait." I groaned.

He turned back to me, smirking widely. "What is it Love?" He asked cheerfully. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what." I stated dryly.

"Oh, I do. I just love when you say it. It gets me more..determined." He smirked. "And 'vat, benefits you Love.."

I rolled my eyes. "You wanna hear me say that I want you?" I asked, as I crossed my arms. He nodded, as he walked closer to me, pressing his body into mine again causing me to moan slightly, which made his smirk grow.

"Actually, I wanna hear you say you need me..because from the look, and sound of fings, you do. I want you to beg for me. Can you do 'vat?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why must you make it so difficult?" I asked.

"I told you I was gonna give you somefing hard in didn't think I meant my d*ck did you?" He teased. "Although, that is extremely hard too..don't you want me to prove it to you? Oh..sorry, don't you need me to?" He added.

I bit my lip. I hated how much of an effect he had on me. But, at the same time, I loved it, in weird way.

I nodded. "Yes...I..I need you." I mumbled.

"Hmm..sorry Love, you're gonna 'ave to be louder 'ven 'vat. I know you can be.." He teased.

"Yes! I need you! Now!" I exclaimed, as I pulled him by his shirt, closer into me, surprising him a bit. "Please..."

He licked his lips.
"Now 'vat's more like it." He started, before resting his hands on my waist. "Your wish is my command." He added, before picking me up wedding style, which took me by surprise.

I don't know why, but I didn't expect it from him. It seemed so, personal and intimate.
I wrapped my arms, around his neck, and he crashed his lips into mine, my hands, travelled up into his hair, and he smirked when we pulled away.

"'Neva gonna get tired 'ov 'vat." He whispered, before taking me to his room.
"Is 'va bed okay Love? I know conventional locations, aren't really 'our 'fing'" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Do I really need to remind you not to talk?"

"Do I really need to remind you 'm going to anyway?" He smirked. "But, I guess you pretending to hate it, is anova on 'ov our 'fings. Ah, I do love our inside jokes." He mocked.

I couldn't help but smile. "Shut up." I chuckled.

He threw me down on the bed, gently, before taking his place on top of me. He smirked.
"Why don't you, make me?" He asked, before kissing my neck, then he removed his shirt.

I was about to remove mine myself, until he ripped it off of me. My mouth fell ajar.
"What was the point in that?! What am I supposed to wear home?" I questioned, he rolled his eyes, before sitting up on his knees, to undo his belt.

"You'll be wearing one 'ov my shirts home, it seems." He smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"It was still a nice shirt.." I mumbled, as he kicked his pants to the ground.

"Oh, I'll get you a new one. Don't worry Love." He teased. "Believe me, I would've rather ripped 'va dress I gave you. But, unfortunately 'vat was when you hated me." He added.

I grabbed his arms, and pulled him back to me before smirking, and cupping his face.
"I still hate you. Just so we're clear." I stated, earning a scoff from him.

"You know, when you say 'vat you hate me, after begging me for my d*ck, it kinda cheapens it Love." He smirked.

"Well, so far, that begging has all been for nothing, hasn't it? Why don't you just do what I asked?"
He bit his lip.

"Oh, believe me Love, after today, you aren't gonna want anyone else." He flirted, before kissing down my stomach.

"We'll see about that.."
I replied, he chuckled in response, before using his mouth to unzip my jeans, then pull them off. He ran his hands up my thighs, doing the same spell he'd done last time, causing me to moan slightly.

He chuckled, before he hooked my legs over his shoulders, and smirked up at me.
"We're off to a 'wondaful start Love.." He winked, I rolled my eyes, as ran my hands through his hair, tugging on it a bit.

"Enough talk.." I breathed.
He grinned, and nodded.

"Oh, I couldn't agree more.." He replied.

I had to admit, it was gonna be harder to just walk away from it this time..

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