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Reader pov

What did I do to him?, Why is he so distant from me? These are the questions that no one knows the answers to. Gaara has just been avoiding me at all cost, but he won't tell me why he is. And this is driving me crazy.

Gaara's pov

Does she really love me, she doesn't really want me does she, she's just using me. I mean how could she really love someone like me, look at my past, I did very bad things, you can't love some for doing those things. These thoughts are the reason I have been avoiding her, I know me doing this is not the best but it's all I can think to do, I want to avoid the problem.

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There he is this is my chance to figure this all put. "Gaara, stop" I yelled getting his attention. I ran over to him, "what is going on with you, why are you avoiding me."

He looks at me for a second with his amazing eyes. He then finally spoke, "y/n I think we should break up" he said with a sad expression.

I felt like my heart was breaking into a million pieces. "What, why?" Was all I could say.

He started to walk away but I grabbed him, "your not going anywhere until I get my answers, why are you breaking up with me?" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes.

He looked me in the eyes, then looked at the ground, "you don't love me do you, I mean who could blame you, I did do very bad things in my past." He said avoiding all eye contact.

"Gaara I do love you, I don't care about your past, your my soldier, your my everything, I love you more than everything, your so stupid to think I didn't love you, I love you you idiot." I yelled while crying and beating on his chest. When I finished I started to fall to the ground, but I was caught before I could fall.

"Y/n, I'm sorry i, I just thought you didn't love me because no one has ever loved me." He said hugging me close crying into my shoulder. "I'm so so so sorry, please don't let me leave."

"Your my soldier, your not going anywhere, I love you too much." I then kissed him on the lips. He kissed back with much more force, but this kiss was filled with so much regret, he was trying to apologise with the kiss. "Your my soldier, stay, I will always love you."

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