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Dan's POV

My arm continued to bleed and I watched each drop of blood as it splattered on the white tile floor. It wasn't until I heard a car door slam out side that I realized how much trouble I would be in. I ran back to my room and grabbed an old, small pajama shirt and tied it tightly around my arm to stop the bleeding. I pulled a large hoodie over my head to hide the shirt.

"Daniel! Come downstairs!"

I sighed and double checked my appearance, making sure my puffy eyes weren't too noticeable. I moped down the stairs to face my mother, who was most likely angry at me for something.

"Daniel I thought I told you to do the dishes" she said in a harsh tone.

"No, you didn't" I answered calmly.

"Don't talk back to me. Now do the dishes, and after that make yourself something to eat."

I sighed and made my way into the kitchen to find a sink full of dirty dishes. Each dish looked disgusting to touch but I managed to finish without throwing up. I pressed start on the machine and grabbed an apple out of the fridge.

Finally back in my room, I took off my hoodie and untied the shirt on my wrist. I made sure the door to my room was locked, before opening my window and climbing onto the roof. This was something I would do when I was upset, which happened often.

I lied down and stared up into the sky, watching the hundreds of stars in the sky sparkle against the black cold night. Each one being too far away to even fathom. I thought about how they were similar to people, each one with its own solar system just how each person has a story.

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