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Phil's POV

I wasn't planning on telling my mum my plan. She would forbid me from going through with it. But a few cuts on my hand would be nothing compared to what my soulmate might do to herself.

That next night after my nightmare, I stayed up until about 12:30, when I knew my mum would be asleep. Careful not to make any noise, I snuck down into the kitchen and grabbed a steak knife from the silverware drawer. I decided it'd be best not to do this in the kitchen in case my mum woke up, so I went to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind me.

I took a deep breath and flipped over my left hand. My hand became a canvas as I slowly began to carve my phone number into it. Once I finished I ran my hand under cold water from the sink and dried it with a towel. The stinging was unbearable but worth it in my opinion, as it would lead me closer to whoever was hurting herself.

I returned the knife to the kitchen and went back into my room where my phone was. The silence of my room made me uncomfortable and scared, for reasons I didn't understand. In that moment I realized how big this really was. If I lost my soulmate before I met her I would never be in love. Be loved. I fell back onto my bed and tried to fall asleep, tears still flooding my eyes.

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