Pikachu x Female Reader: Orlando Love

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Narator's P.O.V

  In Orlando High  you are a dancer. Well, your a freshmen that just joined the school's dancing society a few days ago.

  Your currently infront of the  school's auditorium's front door. At first you feel nervous, about the fact that the other students might judge you. Then you take a deep breath, gathered up all your courage, open the door and walked in.

  When you stepped in, you could see all the other students dancing, chatting, playing jokes, and laughing.
'Oh man, look at all these people. I'm never going to be as good as them!' you think as you look around and find your best friend,    (b/f/n).

  You made your way to her without looking ahead and you accidentally crash into someone!

         YOUR P.O.V

  My head hurts. I use my hand to rub my head while I sigh. "Here, let me help" I heard a voice said as I open my eyes. It's Pikachu! He's one of those pokémons that turn human and one of the school's hotties. I blush out of embarrassment and look the other way to hide my blush. I take his hand, but he pulled me with a bit to much force and we ended up in a hugging position. We quickly let go as I blush crimson red. I can hear the other girls getting angry as they all watched the scene unfold.

  The teacher came in and I make my way to (b/f/n) as she was still fangirling and I look back and saw Pikachu talking to his friends.

  We learnd about a variety of dance moves until it's time to go home. I'm still thinking about the teacher's announcement.


'Okay everybody, before you leave, I want to remind everyone that next week we'll have a dance-off! Each of you will be split into groups of three. You may choose whoever your partner is. Okay that's all!'


'A dance partner? Who should  I choose? I mean, I want to ask (b/f/n), but she is already partnering with her boyfriend! I've already asked Rebecca to join, but who else should I choose? What am I supposed to do?!' All the questions run around my head like a train, until a voice break me out of my thoughts. "Hey ___!" the voice said from afar. I turned around and saw Pikachu running towards me! What.... Pikachu! "Oh! Hey, Pikachu!" is all I could say as I started to blush a little. He finally catched up to me and there was an awkward silence until I decided to break it "So, umm... What are you doin' here, Pikachu?" "Oh, right!" He said while scratching the back of his neck and chuckled. 'He's so cute when he laughs'.

       PIKACHU P.O.V

  I want to ask ___ to be my dance partner, but I'm just to nervous. 'What if she said no? What if she laughed at me?'. I stop my laughing and take a deep breath and bit my lip. I sweatdrop and said "___... will you be my partner for the dance-off?" I close my eyes getting  ready for the big reject, but her answer shocked me " Sure Pikachu! I'd love too". My heart feels like it's been showered by happiness. My cheeks burn up and I give her a smile. I looked at her pretty (e/c) eyes.'Wait, what... pretty? Why did I think that?'

         YOUR P.O.V

  Pikachu look like he's not focused. I snap my fingers infront of him in an attempt  to snap him out of it. He blinked twice and looked at me before giving me a smile. 'His smile is so cute'

"So... guessing I'll see you at your place on 3?" He asked me. I smile and nodded to him. He returned the smile and he waved and go to the opposite direction and I continue to walk to my house.

        ~TIME SKIP~

  It's already 3 and I was in the living room couch watching TV, Waiting for Pikachu. I already got dressed in my dance clothes:

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