Xerneas, Glaceon and Delphox x 3 Male Readers: 3-Way Love (INTRO)

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So, everybody today I'll be making a three part special about Xerneas, Glaceon and Delphox. In the story there will be three guys you will be playing as, and each of them will fall in love with either Xerneas, Glaceon nor Delphox in each chapter. I'm telling all of this so you guys wouldn't be so confused.

Narator's P.O.V

In Orlando High, Xerneas, Glaceon and Delphox is the best singers in school. Their in a group band called 'The Enchantreses' and one of the most popular girls in school. Xerneas's mom is a multi-millionaire businesswoman that has a factory in Italy, Russia, German, France, Japan, Singapore, and USA. Glaceon's uncle and aunt is a very successful surgent that is recognised all over Asia. And Dhelpox's parents are super successful entrepreneurs. Their parents hardly have any time for them, but because their parents are friends with each other, it's not hard for them to be friends.

But, they never let that turn them into a jerk or being mean. Infact, they like helping the other students with their problems. They're always being nice to everyone and that's why their beloved by everyone in school.

But, even perfect people have perfect imperfections. Like for instances: Xerneas is terrified of squids, octopi, sharks, and whales, Glaceon is traumatized by clowns, and Delphox is afraid to go swimming. And the three of them are scared of horror movies.

Currently, it's lunch time and they are sitting in their special table and eating foods made by their personal chefs. Xerneas is eating a Special Curry Rice, Strawberry Parfait, and a banana, Glaceon is eating a Philly Sushi Roll, an Ice Lemon Tea, and a Chocolate Muffin, and Delphox is eating a Garlic Beef Enchiladas, Strawberry Agua de Fresco and a Peach. They were enjoying their lunch while talking about school and girl business until it's time to go to class.

They were having music class together and as usual, they were being picked to be the lead singers. Six other students is playing the bass, guitar, drum, recorder, and the keyboard while The Enchantrises is singing 'What I Want'.

         YOUR P.O.V

'Wow! Glaceon is just so freaking gorgeous! I want to hug her, kiss her, stroke her hair, and tell her I love her for the rest of my life!' I focused my attention on her, while she's flipping her hair in slow motion. She's always looking magnificent every time I look at her. My heart races a million miles and I always blush like crazy every time I'm around her.

After they finished singing, the entire class clap and cheer at their amazing performance. Her voice is like an angel! That's one of the reasons why I love her.

         TIME SKIP

When it's time for school to let out, the entire students burst through the front doors, walking down the path and headed home. When I'm walking down the path, I couldn't help but to think about Glaceon. She is just so beautiful! I want to confess my feelings for her but I don't know how. Hmm... maybe I can figure something out back at home. It has to be romantic and nothing must  go wrong!

To Be Continued...

Sorry guys, about the weird ending, but, I will update as quickly as possible as a sign of apology. Thanks again for reading, LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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