Xerneas, Glaceon and Delphox x 3 Male Readers (Part 1)

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Hey guys! So sorry for not updating lately ! I've had a lot of homework and school activities to do! So I hope this chapter makes up for it!


It's Saturday, the birds are singing, the sunlight entering your room, hitting your face. You covered it up with your left hand and get up. Today is the day your going to ask out Glaceon!


Today is the day I'm going to ask out Glaceon. I've already had the whole day planned out. First, I'm goin' to take her to the mall to get ice cream. Second, I'm going to take her to 'The Ice Factory of Florida' to go ice-skate! I mean, what's more perfect for an ice-type. And then, I'm going to confess my feelings for her.

I jump right out of my bed and dash to the bathroom to get ready. After I finish, I quickly put on my attire and head downstairs.

I saw my mom on the sofa watching TV and my dad reading a newspaper on his special chair. I continued running downstairs and give my mom a quick kiss on the cheek from the back of the sofa, she was startled and give me a smile. "Good morning, ___!" my mom said with a happy voice. "Good morning, son" my dad greeted me without looking away from his newspaper. I just returned it with a smile and headed to the kitchen. I eat (f/t/f) for breakfast. "So,___ what are your plans for today, sweetie?" my mom ask as she walks near me. I swallowed the food in my mouth and answer "Just going out with some friends, I'll be home by 6 or 7." I lied to her. I don't want my mom to know about my plans, she'll go fangirling about it. I check the clock and saw it was 11.26 a clock. I quickly finished my breakfast and headed upstairs. I grab my bag and pack a winter jacket, a pair of gloves, my phone, and my wallet. I say goodbye to my parents and grab my car key and drive of to Glaceon's house. Glaceon's house is a huge villa near New Smyrna Beach.

The drive usually took 28 minutes but, theirs traffic so it took 33 minutes. When I finnaly got their, I parked at the beach parking lot. It's only walking distance from the parking lot to her house. The weather is super nice and clear, the sounds of cars driving and people walking can be heard. I finnaly got to her front gate and I was amazed by Glaceon's villa.

 I finnaly got to her front gate and I was amazed by Glaceon's villa

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(Just imagined that 'Model Open' sign isn't there)

I opened the gate and I made my way to the front door, ringing the doorbell. I waited patiently and a butler opened the door. He looked at me with emotionless eyes and I get a little nervous. "Ummm... I'm h-here to see Glaceon, sir?" I asked nervously while forcing a smile. He bowed and gesture me to come inside. I step foot in the mansion-like villa and, god damn its impressive. I was told to sit at the couch near a fire place and I did.

Then, two figures walked in from the kitchen and greeted me with a smile while bringing a plate of cookies. I presume they were Glaceon's parents. They took a seat at a sofa next to me and I wave my hand and give them a smile. They returned it and they seem really nice "So, you must be one of Glaceon's friends. What's your name?" the lady ask as she examined me. "My name is ___, ma'am!" I answered her. Her voice is really nice. Then, Glaceon's dad leaned in closer and ask " How old are you, son?" he ask me while shooting a curious look. "I'm 17,5 years old, sir" I answered as I scratched the back of my head and giving out a nervous giggle.

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