*before I start, lemme just say that there's a mature warning on the book, so don't be surprised

April 13th, 1993

     Just as you thought, not going to school meant that you were sick, and being sick meant that Henry did not want to catch the virus. Good. Besides, you were pretty sure he didn't know where you lived (at least you told yourself that, in times like these where he was no where to be seen).

     You told Richie yesterday about your mischievous plan, and asked him to join you in a quest to watch the Star Wars trilogy and eat as many brownies as you could. He agreed, and so you sit here at 12:37pm, grabbing every blanket in your home, and preheating the oven for the world's best brownies (Richie was a very good baker). This was a big deal, and both of you knew it. After that touching from last time, you two were a bit tense. Who wouldn't be? The only problem here was that you didn't know how to say that you liked it. Your friendship went back to seventh grade when your emo phase was just coming to a stop, and you had just been cutting to fit in. Once you met Richie, everything changed. He spoke out, his dumb antics making some people annoyed, but no matter the situation, you always laughed. After all, he was hilarious.

     You remember the first time you two spoke, it was in detention when Richie had said something so absolutely jocular, that it had made your small eighth grade self almost pee her pants. The grumpy teacher had sent you to detention, and there you two were, sitting next to each other and looking around awkwardly. You hadn't seen Richie with his mouth closed this long, and it made you feel weird. It wasn't his choice though, he was kind of weird, and there was no way that you would want to talk to him sfter putting you two in detention. He had seen you walk in to the school for the first time, back when he hung out with the losers. You stood tall, a confident smile on your face, and a cute, little blush from the cold. At that moment, he knew that he wanted to talk to you. You were the girl he dreamed of meeting one day, the only difference is that it came sooner, and it wasn't in Los Angeles.

     "H-Hey, so your name is [Name], right?" Everything that could have gone wrong in that introduction, did. His voice cracked, his glasses fell off his face, and you heard him halfway through his sentence. Just great. Now what, he missed his chance at happiness and love and now he would die alone just like he was meant to and-

     "Y-Yeah, and your name's Richie..?" His heart soared, you had said his name in your cute, little voice. The voice that echoed in his dreams, a pleasure filled feeling went throughout his body. He had so many dreams of you and him doing things he could never speak to you about, but at that moment

     It had been a while since you two got out of detention, and here you were, sitting with the boy you barely met and talking about the teachers. It was magical, the bond came in instantly, and now it was like you knew each other since birth. So close, in fact, that you were at hand holding level. Something about the moment made you feel tingly, and Richie was definitely feeling the tingles. This marked the first time he had ever touched a girl, and he was losing his mind. You were so soft, and he didn't know how to react to that. What were you supposed to do when a girl held yout hand???? Little did he know that he would be finding out when he got older.

"rrrrrrRRRRRRRRRIIIICHIIIIIEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee," he had opened you door, a bag of supplies in one hand, and his wallet in the other. Your arms wrapped around hid neck, legs straddling his waist, and head buried in his neck. He smelled like him, a bit musky, but slightly soft. It was always difficult for you to describe his smell, but you knew it reminded you of something. Home. Your whole house smelled of his since he would normslly stay here, but it did not smell like you. You smelled of your body soap, a bit floral but still fruity. "Like strawberries," is what Richie would always say, but you couldn't tell. He tried his hardest to stop his body from reacting to your abdomen slightly rubbing on him, luckily you hsf already gotten off of hid before "it" popped up.

     "Okay, I've got the oven preheated, so now we can just put the brownie mix in and then watch movies while we wait," you pulled him in to the kitchen, slightly into you, and took the bag from his hands, "how about we add some [Something to Put in a Brownie] in it today, just to spice it up?"

     It was one of the rare times you actually acted like yourself, and Richie was glad. He loved when you felt happy, free from whatever was causing you pain. He fidgeted with the wrapper in his pocket, trying to pull his pockets out so that the dent wasn't as noticeable. Who could blame him, you were beautiful and the fact that he knew you so well just added to the love he felt. It was on this day that he knew he had to mske a move, you wouldn't stay single all your life. He saw how guys looked over at you, your developing body and sweet self hooked everyone on.

     The brownies were in the oven, and you two were watching the movie. To be honest, Richie was not watching it completely, he was too busy fidgeting and looking over at you. His foot tapped relentlessly on your hard wood floor, making you look over with the slightest worry. Then, he decided, the moment was right. You were looking over at him with those big, [Eye Color] eyes, making him want to jump into the sky. This is when he leaned in, snatching your lips up, and kissing you until the oxygen inside him ran out. You were soft, smooth, a dream come true. Once he felt your lips moving with his, he went through with his actions. His hands found your waist, pulling you onto his lap, lips moving to the side of your neck. Just like the vampires he once feared, he sucked on your neck, like his life depended on it. Your moans echoed in his head, bouncing off one wall to the other, and causing a small euphoria in his whole body.

     One rubbing body to the other, the both of you knew what needed to happen. Your clothes on the ground, and the smell of burning chocolates surrounded you two, but nothing mattered right at this moment. This was the proof, the set-in-stone evidence that you two loved each other. The image of your love. He revealed the wrapper in his pocket, opening it up and positioning himself. You touched his face, smiling that cute, little smile of yours. He pushed in. Just like that, you felt love. Love everywhere. Around you, in this home. Inside of you. And maybe, if the feeling was everlasting, it would have changed everything. Maybe you could have forgotten everything, started a new life, and stayed together. With your love. But everything ends eventually. As you two finished up, he went at your neck again, making sure he showed you his love. This way you could look in the mirror at night, and see his love.

     "R-Richie.." His suckling stopped, looking up at your happy, teary eyes. His hands moved up to your face, wiping away your stray tear and smiling softly at you. This was his girl, and only his. What did he ever do to deserve someone like you?

     But most importantly, what did he ever do to lose you?

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