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***-the actual important part


I swear I'm not a psychopath, I'm just a girl who likes horror.

Hey there, sorry for introducing myself late, but my name is Abi and I'm a teen with an expansive imagination. You know, sometimes I also ask myself why everything I write is so dark, but then I realized that it's because I'm lowkey sad, but don't admit it.

***Yeah, so normally I don't like it when people add these little notes at the end, but I felt like this book gave off the wrong idea. Listen, suicide is not the answer, and I believe that there is hope on the other end. There always is hope, you just have to reach for it and surround yourself with supportive people. Even if there is no one, you have to look at yourself in a different perspective and realize you need help. Please do, don't let yourself go down so deep it's too much to handle.

Also, self harm is bad and not an option. If you ever think of anything relating to hurt yourself, make sure to stop and think about it. Think if that's really what you want, and then act. If you don't want to talk to someone, then write, just like I do. It doesn't have to be gore-y like mine is, but doing a reflection of your day always helps point out the problems.

Please, if anything happens to you, make sure to talk with someone. There is only so far that your words can go, and if everything is locked away, then it won't help anything. I don't want or mean to trigger anyone with this book, hence the reason I put up warnings in the description. Stay safe, and speak up.

So, welcome to my writing, and I hope to make something more cheerful in the future, stay tuned for more!

(P.S. I'm fucking messed up, so don't worry about me. I'm just a moody teen.)

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