Hot Chocolate at night

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I wake tired, very tired but also knowing trying to fall back to sleep is futile, I need something to do. Groaning I roll over and land on the floor with a thump, I stay silent far a few seconds hoping my roommate wasn't woken by my excusive bed leaving. I push myself up of the floor and make my way to the door... then fall, glaring at my feet I see that my blanket has tangled itself into my feet and refuses to release them, groaning again I push myself up to sit and start the tedious task of untangling them "It's too early, amm, or late for this, so you listen here you will release me or so help me –" the door behind me opens slowly, I stop fighting my blanket to look behind me. "Get out thief!" im greeted by the sight of sleepy Charlie holding a bat with a fire in her eye making her blue one more noticeable in the dark. I laugh "just me hoodie," I smirk because of course Charlie would think bugler then 'Hoodie, need it'. She lowers the bat "Alexander! Have you any idea what time it is" I shake my head no, "it's too god damn early for you that's what time it is", she's shouting but I can tell from the twitch of her mouth she's trying not to smile. "Not my fault you freak out at the slightest of noises", I'm not even trying to hold back my laughing. Charlie smiles "You know, you should smile more", I stare at her and ask "why", "cause it makes you look less like an emo old man", Charlie smirks and crosses her arms, I just look at her, I'm shook. I go to stand and grab her, only to have the god damn blanket catch my feet and trip me up "well thank you, so so much I really needed that", I glare once again at my quilt and try to untangle it. Charlie laughs then kneels down and helps "you know the blanket doesn't understand", I roll my eyes to her "doesn't mean I can't give out does it", she just smiles.

Once the blimen thing was gone I stood free at last. I turned to Charlie, look her up and down the say "we need hot coco", and walk to the kitchen, "one, don't you mean hot chocolate and its-" these a pause while Charlie walks around the corner to look at the clock hung on the wall, "two thirty in the morning. Why not just go to sleep?" I shake my head as I root for some mugs in the press. I pull out two clean mugs, I look over to Charlie wondering why some weren't, one of them has a cat on it, glazed messily but still cute and the other... looks like a head, glazed by Charlie the one and only to say "this head was once full, it hung with me now its as hollow as me", rolling me eyes I pour milk into both before placing them in the micro-wave, pulling myself onto the counter to sit I wait. "I take it if I turn around and go to sleep you wouldn't wake me when its ready and instead just drink my... would that assumption be right?" Charlie had a little smirk, "yes, yes that would defiantly be correct so stay or leave I don't care." I replied. She smiles lightly "ok then. Also, why were you up so late, or early depends how you look at it?" she looks more serious now but its still a casual question, I shrug in response "dunno I just woke up". Charlie seems to be thinking about something, she looks like an absolute mess, here brown hair tangled and fuzzy, here green and blue eyes slightly closed with tiredness, wearing her favourite blue hoodie and brown shorts toped off with fluffy slippers, she looks a state, but I think its cute- wait, no I meant I'm used to it and Charlie just has a childish look like that. She looks at me and opens her mouth to speak but the micro-wave digs as it doesn't come out, instead I break the silent by jumping down bringing bottle of mustard with me breaking it, Charlie looks at it and then looks at me as though I kill her best friend then dramatically falls to her knees and fake cries, I roll my eyes "up you get I'll clean it", she glares at me "I'm morning right now, you should be consoling me telling me his in a better place!" I laugh "one, its mustard and two, we both know I should be the last to come to while morning." Charlie just continues sobbing "he was loyal, he was there whenever I needed a drink, he tasted so good, like so so good. Now get over here put your arms around me and rub my back," rolling my eyes, kneel next to here and rub her back, "he was a good man, but remember now his in a better place" she looks at me and smirks "Kelly's home? Do you really think that I can't see his dead body right here?" she has gone back to acting sad, but I can't hold it in and laugh again, soon she joins in, were just two crazy people kneeling next to a broken mustard bottle laughing our heads off. I hear a shutter go off and turn quickly, Kelly stands next to an open door holding her phone smirking, "hello my newest OTP how do ye do?" I have no idea what she called us or why me and Charlie are hers, but I've learnt the hard way just not to question Kelly's weird antics, but clearly Charlie hasn't "Hello, what, why, where?" she asked in all her naive glory, I groan "do you know nothing! You- don't- ask- Kelly- questions!". Kelly's made her way over and takes up my old spot on the counter, laughing lightly. "Ok, ok but why is she here?" Charlie fake glared at her, "Simple, I was bord and Netflix asked was I still there... so I decided I had to stop, and anyways Alex is always up around this time" Kelly leans into Charlie and whispers "he gets up and almost always, always makes hot chocolate. Once text me because ye were out" Charlie just looked at me "... Why, why on earth are you up this early, every night?" I just shrug and open the microwave after being reminded of the task at hand, "Charlie pass me the powder, Kelly find the honey and no, you don't get a cup." Charlie gets the coco powder and Kelly just looks at me "one, yes you will make me a cup and two... honey?" I look over at her and motion for her to move "yes honey, for my hot coco." Charlie rolls their eyes "yes Kelly I know, I know its disgusting, but this is how he is and we have to just except that. Also tell him its hot chocolate not coco!" Charlie glares and I just shrug.

Setting three cups of hot coco down I sit, knees to my chest and blanket surrounding me, I sigh, Kelly and Charlie were searching the kitchen for biscuits and I finally had some peace. I dunk my biscuit into my coco (yes, I do have them, you ok with that? Well guess what I don't care), Charlie walks in carrying Kelly as though she just fainted "the biscuits have ran away from home" Kelly falls limper (is limper a word? Can you even fall limp? I don't know, these questions currently plague my mind. Why am I writing this again? Anyways back to coco.) Charlie pulls her close- she then freezes and glares at me "... Alexander, are they the biscuits Kelly and I have been searching so valiantly for?" Kelly jumps to life and grabs them from me, she sits in the corner cradling them, I just roll my eyes "really, since when has searching for biscuits been brave or in your words 'valiant'?" Charlie just bursts out laughing and comes to sit next to us, she's very close, like so close that I can see almost all three freckles on her cheek, I pock them "illuminati confirmed, Kelly im living with her what do I do know I know?" Charlie rolls her eye and then they shine with mischief "now I must kill you!" she turns and pocks my side, "noooo! Stop, please stop! I won't tell a soul." Charlie just smirks and moves closer, "too late." She then starts tickling me mercilessly. I starte laughing hysterically and try pushing her away, its to no avail. She's now sitting on my knees hands at my side smiling like a mad man and there's nowhere I can go, I push her but she stays where she is, I try to kick but she's holding my legs down, I'm laughing so much I can't speak, there is no way out! Kelly turns out to be both my saviour and enemy with what she says next "ok, ok no need to tint my young eye, get a room." Charlie stops and glares at Kelly, I think she'll get off but instead she raps her arms around me and kisses my cheek "fight me Kelly!" my face literally burns, I stutter the push Charlie off and run to my roo locking the door.

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