A.n & T.W

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Hello Dearies, I too hate Author's notes but I feel this one is needed both as an apology and a warning.

So first off, even though there aren't man people reading this the people who are are greatly appreciated and deserving of sincerest apologies, I truly have no excuse other the I'm a grave procrastinator who usually uses writing as productive procrastination but as it was summer i had nothing to truly procrastinate therefor procrastinated my writing. i plan to get back into it now though, as well as my other fic "how long till you're no longer strangers" which i have the first chapter re-written as it truly sucked dick.


And now on to my warning, this fic has taken a turn from a joke about a story me and my friend are writing into a more serious story that truly has a mind and plot of its own. so it has taken on some of the sadistic side of the original story. in the next chapter there is references to DID (associative identity disorder, which although i have researched I do not claim to be an expert or extremely knowledgeable about), self-harm, abuse, experimentation on children  and maybe more. If any of these topics may trigger or bring anything up i understand if you stop reading.

Ok thank you for reading this, I'm have the next chapter written and will update now. Also if you think i should re-write the beginning chapters please tell me :) (i truly despise those emoticons, there pitiful, but I typed one for you guys, that is me hoping for forgiveness : (, ok truly going now byeee)

 - A

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