Who are these people?

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Kelly ran, I don't understand but there are more pressing matters, such as the likes of my passed-out friend and a troubling text message. One problem at a time, so I pick up Alex and walk back to our apartment without even cheeking to see if Sandy's following (and yes before you ask, his supper light also yes, I have done this before). Half way home he wakes up but doesn't push me away like expected, instead he just grabs me and doesn't let go, it worries me, but what worried me more was how when we got home he just went to his room and didn't come out. I knew better then to follow him right now, so I just leave Sandy and go for on "long arse" walk, I had some stuff to figure out and only one person who I have any chance of finding out from, and their not in the best of moods right now either.

Reaching the 3rd floor I stroll to door 69, not sure if this is a good idea but needing answers none the less, I knock and calm myself. "Oh look who's here, the pathetic little enemy lover. What do you want?" nothing about Kelly's mannerism are correct, its like a new person has greeted me. I smile patiently "hey Kelly, I was just hoping we could talk," I don't wait for a reply I push into the apartment (looking back, that was my first of many mistakes). "Oh Amadán, I'm not Kelly, but I am awfully bored so yes, lets have a little talk," she smiles mischievously and walks over sitting herself next to me, "I'm Katie, get it right next time, but oh honey, have I been dying to speak with the halfwit that fell for a murder, who seeks validation in everything they do, the useless pill of junk Twelve cares so stupidly much for, oh sweetie, isn't this exiting?" she smiles and cockily rest her head upon her arm, I don't understand, but I press forward. "Don't know what you're talking about but could we maybe talk about what's happening?" she smiles and nods "of course we can, anything Kelly and Twelve and that weakling don't want you to know is public knowledge when it's me your asking, you can't hide stuff from your own mind," she smirks "its only really a question of where to start..." she makes a show of trying to chose, "how about the fact that they hadn't seen the 'surface' until three years ago... no no, how about how your precious little "Alex" has probably killed more people then you'll ever know, how "Kelly" is so fucking damaged her mind split in two to "protect" her, oh, oh or how about how your white faces creep of a cousin experimented on over 13 fucking children and only 2 of them fucking lived, how about there?" for the first time since arriving I see an uncontrolled emotion cross her face, it's rage, its pure, complete rage and it's terrifying. She shakes her head "you know what, fuck this. Ima lay it out, if it has negative consequences I will happily murder you," a shadow flashes across her face and she smirks coyly, asking if I doubt her, I don't.

"Ok so, in the beginning I wasn't here, but it confuses Kelly daily so, I know from her point of view, though I don't doubt that Twelve would see it differently. From what I know, their orphans, they were fostered by Dr. P the ugly bastered since before Kelly can remember. For years to Kelly he was good almost great person, he seemed to truly care for them. Then one day, that all stopped, he started 'medical' tests on them, medical tests my arse, she was so young, she was cut open, she was wiped, she inhaled gasses that choked her – she stopped, her anger catching her breath and swallowing it, she shakes her head again and continues – after a time of this, to long of this, I was born, I was there to take the pain she couldn't handle, I hide the pain, I was there when she couldn't stand but had to run, I was there to block it out. – she breaths in and out – Around then was also when Twelve, the weakling started coming back blood clotted in his hair, staining his clothes, he would spend what felt like forever just trying to wash it out, he stopped talking to Kelly, HE WAS ALL SHE HAD, he turned his back on her and acted as though we weren't there. Eventually he gave up on washing it out. Eventually he gave up completely, it seemed. I saw once where he was, what he was doing... he's a monster, he was turned into a monster by the nightmares no one has the imagination to dream up. Now Charlie, I don't care much for you but Kelly does, be careful, please.

Well this continued, on and on, day in, day out, there was no end and there was nothing else. You made sure you could still feel with a blade agents your skin or you went insane, you learned the time from how starving you were, and we were always starving, but feed once a day to keep us alive, I still often think death would and still is the better option. – this girls so different from the girl I know, she's so open but this face is so in control, other than the shakes of anger you could believe she was talking about tea – then one day, Dr. P didn't bring us food, he didn't show up at all and then the same thing the next day, and the day after, until eventually Twelve came, he said they were leaving, he said we had a shot, so they ran, they ran until they couldn't stand, then they crawled, they just kept moving until they were found and saved by Allie and Una, and then, well then they made up lives for themselves, they chose names, birthdays, hometowns, they went into extreme detail, Allie made documents, and Una helped them learn how to be part of society. Then Kelly found a home, somewhere that was just hers, where no one but those she allows in can reach her, Twelve took longer, but he eventually found a house, he liked the girl there, said she was calming and didn't overstep his boundaries, that was 2 years ago, that was when they still looked over their shoulder for him where ever they went, where I was always ready to take charge if needed, now, finally Kelly feels safe and that fucking idiot somehow has been found by Dr. P so its only a matter of time till Kelly is to, if he hasn't already. Well there you have it, the story you're so keen on hearing, all of it true, all of it haunting Kelly, all of it coming back only now, and this time you too are involved, well done."

She stands and walks to the kitchen, "you still love him now? You still love a killer?" I-I don't know what I expected, but it's taking some processing, my cousin isn't how she described him... but that was also their lives, there must be an explanation, some other Paudie Serif. I know I'm being naive but we're family... that has to mean something, right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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