Housing a stranger

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Kelly has no idea what she's talking about, I'm not jealous I just don't really trust this 'Sandy' he's a complete stranger and his staying at my home, I won't have it.

I glare over my shoulder at him, look at him, all cosy, thinking just cause Charlie likes him he can do what he want, I frown and deepen my glare. Sandy turns and sees me staring "amm, have I done something?" I roll my eyes, he sighs and speaks again, the nerve of some people "common, your being unfair I haven't done anything," I continue to glare, he just sighs and turns around, now his getting it, that *Amadán. The door is flung open "why hello my two favoured boys, currently in my house, in the sitting room, names Alex and Sanz," Charlie's back, I sigh. "Again with the Sanz, why?" Sandy's looking at Charlie, "because Sans, you annoy everyone and are over-used," after saying that I get up and walk away, I hear Kelly laughing, "Kelly, we're going out I want food, well leave Charlie deal with that" I point at Sandy as I walk back in.

"Why not just give him a chance, his not a bad person once you get to know him," Kelly's swaying on the wall she's currently walking on, I'm trying really hard not to push he down, "no, no his not, your just too naive to see it, and so is Charlie, I don't get what she sees in him," I state matter-of-factly. I see a pizzeria ahead and point it out to Kelly "how about there?" she looks, then nods affirmatively and marches over there. As I walk in I can already hear Kelly ordering two ham, chicken and cheese pizzas, I smile and walk over. "Ok so Alexander I'm about to ask something and your gonna give me the straightest answer you can, ok, and remember I'll know if your lying?" I look up and shrug as an answer, "ok, Alex, are you sure you're not jealous?" I glare at her "of what!" I put warning in my tone, but Kelly being Kelly ignores it "we don't even know what they are, they could easily just be friends," I roll my eyes at her attempt, "Kelly, friends aren't that close, me and you are just there and we count each other as siblings" I sigh, "anyway, it wouldn't matter would it, I don't like her, we're too close as friends for me to, I'm just trying to keep her from getting hurt", Kelly sighs but drops the subject.

I arrive to see Sandy (what sort of name is Sandy, isn't that what you name a dog? Well I guess it's accurate then isn't is) and Charlie all happy watching T.V, I scoff and Kelly gives me this knowing look, I roll my eyes, I just don't think anyone should act like that with anyone. I walk to my room, I have better things to be doing.


Hey Kelly here, just gonna point out a few things, one, they were like at opposite sides of the couch, two, I've just found this book thing (you're currently reading it if you're reading this), and I've decided I might have to tell you what's going on cause I think my input is very important here and it'll piss bout of them bout off and who doesn't want that.

Ok that's all for now



After like a couple minutes (ok maybe it was 3 hours, but I was invested in this... documentary) Charlie comes in and raises her eyebrow, I quickly close my laptop and pretend to try and hide it, she giggles "you were watching conspiracy theories weren't you?" I scrunch my eyebrows "what? No, no why would I do that, I was watching videos on how to murder house crashers," I give her a 'what the fuck man' kind of look. Charlie sighs "I thought you'd be ok with him, his nice and only here for a while, also please, you're making him uncomfortable, try and play nice," I roll my eyes "sure," she looks at me and I can see she's starting to get annoyed, "well what do you want? You want me to tell him to get lost, is that it? Cause guess what Alexander, you're not gonna win that fight, his staying and you're gonna get over whatever you have agents him because he's my guested and if you push him away from me I swear to god Alexander you can start looking for a new roommate right now!" she sighs, turns and storms out. I sink down on my bed and sigh, I never said to kick him out, I just really don't like the guy, I have a bad feeling about him, he reminds me of someone.

I ended up falling asleep then, puddled with guilt but also anger for Sandy, he's the reason Charlie got mad at me, isn't he?

The next morning I woke to Kelly jumping on my bed telling me to wake up, this is also where I realised I should take the key Kelly has from her.


*He didn't, I didn't let him, so guess what? I still have that key.

- K *


I push Kelly off groggily "what," she sits cross legged on my floor, "I'm thinking we all go out for breakfast, maybe you can get to know Sanz and not hate him so much." She then stands and walks to my door, she then glares at me "and that wasn't an invitation, it's an order!" she the walks out, I shudder, Kelly's always so childish and playful so when she turns and suddenly like that its always a little creepy. I sigh and roll (quite literally) out of bed and change.

Kelly ends up dragging all of us to some diner and sits us by the window. Kelly is the one to start the conversation, as she often does, "so Sanz what do you do?" of course she called his by his nickname, because of course she'd do that, I roll my eyes as he replies (I seem to be doing a lot of eye rolling recently), "well, I live with my brother Paudie, his a chief, I work security and stuff like that for the restaurant. We recently-" I cut him off, I glare "do you mean Paudie Serif?" I swear if there related I don't care what Charlie says. Kelly starts "Alex, I'm-" but I silence her with a stare and return to glaring at Sandy, Paudie had mentioned a Sandy, but the chance is so slim, it couldn't be, Sandy looks at me and nod confused "yeah, im Sandy Serif, why?" I turn to look at Kelly, surely not even she could get over that and I was right, I see tears form but she wipes them away and smiles, she's refusing to look at anyone though. I glare at Sandy and storm out, I'm sorry Kelly but at this time I can't have help you, I can barely help myself and it's all coming back, all of it, I can breath, I fall to the ground in the nearest quiet place I can find and panic, I break down and everything around me is bout not there and too much at the same time, I can't, I just can't.

After I don't know how long I calmed, I just sat there though, I sat there, bout not thinking and thinking too much, I'm numb, it starts to rain, I barely notice, what are the chances, it's been years, we got away, we were free. I'm barley aware when someone sits next to me, I barley realize when they hug me for bout comfort and security, I barley notice she's doing it for bout of us, I do notice the tears that have started falling again, but I still feel numb, I feel either nothing or everything but my mind can't chose so it settles on numb. How can I go home to him, to his brother, I can't, I can't even face him, "you can stay with me, I think it'd be better for bout of us," I just now realize its Kelly hugging me, Kelly with tears in her eyes, Kelly who somehow through only a hug has halved bout our fear and shared it between us, Kelly who somehow always know what to do even when she's in pain, I kiss her forehead with all the love and gratitude I have for her, because she may be childish and mischievous but she's so smart, so good at helping everyone around her, so good at hiding her darker emotions its easy to believe she has none, "I agree little sis, I agree". We stand and walk to Kelly's, I send a quick text to Charlie 'going to Kelly's tonight' and place my phone in my pocket even though I can see millions of miscalls and messages from her and an unknown number.

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