Chapter I ♡

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Before moving on with this story, I would like to dedicate this chapter to a very close friend of mine. Mimi, this whole book couldn't have been possible without you. Every day your wise words would encourage me into putting down the words that would make up this book and your views on the world every day amazed me and inspired me for some of the characters.


Chapter I.

Throughout all my life I’ve learned that things were only based on one thing; religion.

It always crossed my mind as to why that is. Even as a young age. Why is praising to something or someone so important to people?  Who found out, or invented this thing called Religion? Who is God? Where did he even come from? I’m sure that if we had come from something, such as evolution or because He created us, who created him? Or, what evolved him?

I’ve never gotten the answers to my questions no matter how much I insisted, I had always gotten the same answer, “We must respect the rules of the Lord and not question them.”

My family was not very open about these questions and would scold me every time I would ask anything. My two dads were basically the same, only one was easier going than the other.

Daddy was more similar to me than my dad; he didn’t care about anything, he would tell me to live my life as happily as possible. Dad on the other hand always had a set of rules for me. But hey, what parent doesn’t?

It was a late Monday night of October 26th, 2014, when my dad suddenly spoke up in a family dinner. “So, Ashley, do you have a date for your Halloween danced?” My dad asked, making me look up from my food.

The dance was something I never truly thought about. I loved dances and dressing up in costumes, but going with someone has never crossed my mind either.

“I think Penny from down the street doesn’t have a date. I was talking to her mother last Friday about the dance and we thought it would be nice for you girls to go together; she’s a lovely girl and she’s blonde.” My daddy said laughing softly. “Don’t you like blondes, honey?”

I laughed and shrugged. “I don’t have a preferable hair color, daddy. And besides, I don’t really want to go to the dance with someone. Maybe I could just go with a group of friends or something. I actually want to joke around and have fun than to be worried about if my date is enjoying herself with me or not. Not that I cared if she is.”

“Ashley,” My dad spoke. “I think your father and I would appreciate if you go with a date to this dance. There are plenty of dances you can go with your friends.”

“And I’m very sure there are plenty of dances I can go with a date; right, daddy?” I said, smiling sweetly at my other dad.

My daddy laughed and nudged his husband playfully. “Come on, Michael. It’s just a silly Halloween dance. She can have a date for prom. Let her enjoy herself, will you?”

“Yeah, Michael, will you?” I said to my dad as I smiled.

My dad’s face softens slightly as he looked down at my daddy. He rolled his eyes, but smiled at him as he murmured a quiet “Fine” at him.

I smiled softly as I looked at them. Even as a young age, I had always admired and was proud of the love they had towards each other. Nowadays most people are divorced or are in a marriage were they aren’t even in love with each other anymore. But my dads always looked in love with each other and I couldn’t imagine them with any other men than with each other.

My dad was a tough man; strong jaw line, dark hair and pretty brown eyes. Not just plain, boring brown, but deep chocolate brown that made my daddy fall in love with him. My daddy on the other hand had more soft features; he was slightly paler than my dad and had blue eyes and black hair.

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