Chapter 4

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Zara's P.O.V.

I am staring at him wide-eyed. My jaw is literally touching the ground. I suddenly start laughing at myself.

I start laughing like an idiot. Emma's watching me like I am crazy and I can see confusion on Nicky's face.

"What are you laughing at?" Nicky asks.

I start laughing more and louder when he asks me this. This earns me an angry look from Emma and even more confused one from Nicky.

I think I should explain.

"I am laughing at myself. Because I am so silly! I mean how could I bump into you? I thought you were a brick wall or something." I say. STILL laughing.

Emma pulls me off the ground and slaps my back hard.

"Oww. What did you do that for?" I whine.

"So that you stop laughing and behave" she says, slightly angry.

I realise that I should introduce myself to Nicky. If he is still here and cares to know, that is. I look up and see he is still standing here. Clueless.

"Err....Hi. I am Zara Summers." I say with a small smile.

"Hi. I am Nicky Romero." he says with a grin and puts his hand out for me to shake. "So may I know why you were running like that?"

"Um, we had this challenge that whoever reaches to that restaurant across the road second, pays for the lunch. So Emma started running and I realised what she was doing and started running too. Then suddenly I bumped into you and the rest you know." I say with a sheepish grin.

"Aha. Best friends, I guess?" Nicky asks.

"Yes!" me and Emma both say together with a proud grin on our faces.

He lets out a small laugh.

"So...what brings you both here?" he asks.

"The Ultra Music Festival!" I sing.

He laughs again. Damn. His laugh is so cute.


Shut. Up, Zara.

"What're you doing here by the way?" I ask him. He is staring at me. Like he is in a trance or something.

I wave my hand in front of his face and he blinks rapidly.

"Huh?" he asks confused. Finally coming out of his trance.

"I said, what're you doing here?" I ask again.

"Just roaming around, taking selfies, et cetera." he says.

Emma lets out a small laugh. I do the same.

Suddenly, Nicky's phone buzzes. It is a call from someone. He answers and starts talking in dutch. Man. Why can't you speak to everyone in English?! Why dutch?! Why? He hangs up and turns back to us.

"Sorry ladies. I've got to go. My manager is calling me. Hope to see you guys later. Bye" he waves and starts walking away with a small smile.

"Bye" Me and Emma wave.

He turns back and waves for one last time and starts jogging towards.....somewhere.

We see him jog a little far and then start fangirling.

"Ahhhhh!" we both scream while jumping.

"Shit! I can't believe we just met NICKY ROMERO! In person!" Emma shrieks.

After some 5 or 7 minutes, we finally have contained ourselves.

"Why don't we try to run again suddenly? That way maybe we can spot another DJ? Maybe Hardwell!" she says excitedly. Yes. Emma's a big fan of Hardwell. She literally loves him. I am a fan too, but not as dedicated as Emma. For me, Nicky is what Hardwell is to Emma.

Shit! I just met Nicky and I didn't even tell him how much of a big fan I am of him.

Emma notices the disappointment on my face and tells me not to worry. If in destiny, we both would meet again. I smile slightly at her. This girl. I love her. She's filled with positiveness. You can't be negative around her. She lights up the room just with her presence.

"Anyway, what about my idea?" she asks.

"What idea?" I ask her confused.

"The one where we both have to run like nomads so that you bump into a DJ again." she says with a wide smile on her face.

"Hahaha no." I say with a plain look on my face.

"But why? We can try it again and again! We can meet so many DJs like that!" she whines.

"Are you serious, Emma? I mean, I don't wanna insult myself in front of every other DJ. They'll be like, "Yo. This girl bumped into me and then just started laughing." and another DJ will say "Yo! She bumped into me too!" I will become the butt of jokes for everyone. But its not gonna happen because every person I bump into is not gonna be a DJ. It can be a security guard too." I say and Emma bursts out laughing.

"That explanation was really funny" she says.

"Yeah I know. Now let's go have some food. All this bumping and stuff made me too hungry." I say playfully.

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