Chapter 16

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Zara's P.O.V.

So...its done. Me and Emma are leaving Miami with Nicky. In his private jet. Tbh, I'm so excited to travel in a private jet. I wonder how the journey will be. Its just a few hours.

Its 6 pm right now. 30th March. Today, I and Emma went to her Uncle's house. Turns out he didn't mind a lot. It was good to see Anne and Milan again. I think they both are a couple.

Today we were just roaming around Miami. Visiting places, shopping, etc. Nicky was busy today. He had some work to do with his friends here in Miami.

His crew has invited us to have dinner with them at some restaurant in downtown Miami. I'm excited about that too.


8 pm. 30th March.

Right now, I and Emma are standing outside the extravagant restaurant. I can clearly see Nicky and his crew from outside. He called me earlier.

I and Emma got a gift for him. A gift of thanks for everything he has done for us. Its nothing much. Just a Rolex watch. From all the money we could sum up. I really hope he likes it.

We enter inside and the restaurant seems much more beautiful then it did from outside. Its an Italian restaurant. There are lights inside and it seems like an ordinary restaurant. We reach Nicky's table and there are two seats empty for us.

There's a surprise for Emma. Even Robbert is present. And, my seat is beside Nicky and Emma's seat is next to Robbert. If you ask Emma, then this was super cute. But if you ask me, its awkward.

Anyway, we both sit and order our food. Everyone is drinking wine but not me. I don't like it.

"You don't drink?" Nicky asks holding the stem of his glass.

"Nah. I don't like it." I say. "Um, by the way, I have something for you. Please accept it?"

"Depends on what it is." as he says this, Emma coughs loudly which catches everyone's attention and smiles innocently at me. I didn't want everyone to know that we were gifting Nicky something. Yeah he could tell them later on but not now.

Emma sometimes, is a show off. Whatever she gives or anything she does for anyone, she likes to show it off. Whereas I don't like that at all.

I just hand Nicky the box which contains the watch and tell him to open it later on when he's alone. That makes everyone upset since everyone must be wanting to see what we had to gift. But they don't get to know right now.

He quietly agrees and we continue with the dinner. Emma doesn't talk to me throughout the dinner but I don't care. She knows that what she did, I don't approve of that. She knows it very well.

I can feel that there's going to be a argument about this tonight when we both are alone.


Nicky's P.O.V.

I wonder what Emma and Zara have given me. Its a small box. Right now we're in our respective rooms at the hotel. I can hear faint noises from their room.

I go to their room and see that the door is slightly ajar. When I open the door, I see that both the girls are in their pajamas and Zara is holding her stiletto as if to hit Emma and Emma has her hands on her hip as if she's ready to take anything that Zara throws at her.

Both of them stop ranting when they see me. Zara drops the stiletto and Emma calms down almost immediately and they both stare at me as if they're my two daughters who have just been caught by their father.

"What's going on?" I ask them.

"None of your concern" Zara says and immediately slaps her hand in front of her mouth. Well, that was rude.

"I'm sorry. She didn't mean that." Emma apologizes for Zara." By the way, why are you here?"

"Um, I wanted to ask you if I could borrow Zara for a while. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. She wouldn't mind that. Would you, Emma?" Zara asks Emma.

"No I wouldn't. Go." Emma says rolling her eyes.

Zara comes towards me and pushes me put of the room and shuts the door behind herself and sighs loudly.
"Anything wrong between you both?" I ask her.

"No. Nothing. Anyway, why do you want me?"

"Just like that. I felt alone so I thought I'd call you." I say.

"Okay" she says.


We both go in my room and sit on the bed.

"Hey. Did you see the gift we gave you?" she asks me.

"Uh no. Thanks for reminding." I say and reach across the bed to take the box. I quickly unwrap it and see that its a Rolex watch. Its amazing.

"You didn't have to-" she doesn't let me complete.

"I didn't have to but I wanted to. Its kind of a gift of thanks for everything you have done for me and Emma. So, um, thank you. Thank you very much." she says.

"You're welcome." I say and smile. What else can I say? "And, uh, could you sleep here tonight?"

"Sure. But...why?" she asks curiously.

"I'm feeling lonely. So..please?" I ask her.

"Okay." she says with a charming smile. 

I go to the kitchen for a drink of water and return to my room to see that Zara is already half asleep.

I climb into bed and Zara shuffles a bit and now her back is facing me. I put my arm around her waist and pull her closer to my body. I guess she's comfortable with this because she doesn't move a bit. Just sighs.

"Why are you doing so much for us, Nick?" she mumbles suddenly.

"Because I'm falling for you, Zara Summers."

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