Chapter 13

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Robbert's P.O.V.

Nicky had called me some time before the party and told me to come early. He said he wanted me to meet a fan. I couldn't come early though. I was mobbed by fans. Perks of being a famous person.

Zara's P.O.V.

Right now, I and Emma are still in the washroom. Emma has calmed down. Thank god. Its been 15 minutes and now she's calmed down.
"You ready?" I asked Emma.

"Yes. Let's go." she said.


As we went out, we saw that Nicky and Robbert were having worried expressions on their faces and the felt relieved after we came maybe.

I and Emma sat at the bar next to the boys.

"Hi" Robbert said." Are you okay now?" he asked Emma. She's gonna have a fan girl attack as soon as we both are alone. I'm sure about that.

"Uh, yes. I'm fine now. Sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't-" she couldn't finish.

"No its okay. I totally understand. Its happened with others who've met me before." Robbert said and gave her a charming smile and I know she was awwing on the inside.

"Uh, Zara, isn't it a little hot in here? Maybe we should go out. What say?" Nicky asked giving me a look which said 'we need to go now'

"Uh, yes, I was about to say the same thing, you know. Emma I'll see you later. Enjoy." I winked at her and she winked back.

We quickly exited and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm so happy for her" I told Nicky.

Emma's P.O.V.

"So...its just me and you now." I told Robbert nervously.

"Um yeah. By the way, would you like to dance with me?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure." I answered nervously. He took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. I couldn't believe it. Hardwell. My inspiration, my idol, my awesome DJ just asked me to dance with him.


We danced for, like, half an hour. And was he a good dancer. After that I told him that I couldn't dance anymore since my heels were giving me a hard time. So he suggested we should have some drinks.

We sat at the bar. 

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked me.

"Umm, Ok"

"Two vodka shots please" he told the bartender.

We drank two shots after which he asked me,"So..... I bought two shots for you. It's almost like a treat. So I guess you owe me something in return. Right?" he asked with a coy smile on his face.

I would have said yes but I am not like the girls who fall prey to such stupid tricks.

"Actually no " I told him.

"Why?" he asked in a whiny tone.

"Because, I never told you to be all awesome and charming and buy me drinks. You chose to buy me the drinks, not me. So I do not owe you anything in return. I can pay if you want me to." I explained him. "But I know that you want my number." I said and wrote my number on a tissue paper and gave it to him.

You guys must be thinking, What kind of a girl I am to give such a rude response to him out of all people but that's me. And I knew that he wanted my number because many guys had tried this on me and they had the same response from me.

"I'm sorry for the rude reply." I smiled.

"Totally okay" he gave me a thumbs up and we talked. Just talked.


Zara's P.O.V.

"I really wonder what they both must be doing. Its been almost an hour. Should we go back?" I asked Nicky.

From the past hour, we both had been sitting at a beach a close to the venue of the party. It was beautiful.

"No. I think maybe we should leave them alone for some more time." he said.


"So, where are you both going after this?" he asked me.

"Back home. New York." I told him.

"Seriously?" he asked as if something or some idea had just sparked in his mind.

"Uh, yeah. Anything wrong with that?" I asked him.

"No, actually nothing wrong. I just wanted to ask, if you and Emma would come to New York with my crew?"

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