Chapter 6

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*Skip to 28th March*

Zara's P.O.V.

I and Emma had so much fun yesterday. This weekend is going to be the best one in my entire life. We danced, we sang, we jumped and we enjoyed. A lot. But the sad thing is that I couldn't spot Nicky anywhere yesterday. I wish I could. I am still very tired. I couldn't sleep till 1:30 am.

Today I am extra happy. Because I will be able to see Nicky for a total 1 hour. Its 9:30 am right now. I just had breakfast and my tummy is full.

Emma told me that her Uncle will return today evening. He won't be able to see us till midnight, though. I wonder if he's okay with us coming home so late.

Its 11:30 now. Today I am wearing a sleeveless white crop top, tribal print shorts, my beige sandals, a Nicky Romero band, of course and I have let my hair loose today.

Emma says I should keep them that way because they look beautifuller (if that's even a word) when I don't tie them up. She's curled them lightly. And I must say, they do look beautiful.

Emma is holding a black flag which has Nicky Romero written on it.

We're leaving for Bayfront Park in some time. Its going to be another beautiful day.

*Skip to 6:25 pm*

Nicky's P.O.V.

2 minutes more and I will be up on the stage. I do what I love and love what I do. I can hear the crowd screaming my name. I am grinning from ear to ear.

Third Person P.O.V.

For some time Nicky totally forgets about Zara and is happily having a good time with the crowd.

Until he spots her in the crowd midway through his set.

Zara's P.O.V.

The crowd is chanting Nicky's name and I know that he's there behind the DJ booth. Emma and I both are grinning from ear to ear and both of us are ready to scream and shout and let it all out. (Notice the song reference :P)

'The level is raising...

The game is changing...

But I got Nothing Toulouse'

He jumps up on the stage and everyone screams happily.  

We are in the 4th row.
I hope Nicky spots me and acknowledges me.

My hope doesn't stand a chance, though. I stop thinking negatively and enjoy with the crowd. It's really fun. You don't know any of the people around you but here in this festival all of you become kind of a family. A dance family.

15-16 minutes through this, Nicky asks a question which gets everyone screaming their lungs out including me.

"Are you guys having a good time?" he asks and the crowd screams like crazy as if saying yes.

"I can't hear you! Are you guys having a good time?" he asks again and the crowd screams. Again.

I so am loving all of this.

I am smiling at him all this time and my eyes have the pure look of adoration. I realise that my eyes are tearing up a bit and I quickly blink away the tears.

Nicky's P.O.V.

16 minutes have passed by and I am really enjoying a lot. I love this crowd. The only bad thing is that I can't spot Zara anywhere. I push the thought at the back of my mind.

"Are you guys having a good time?" I ask and the crowd screams. I smile ear to ear.

"I can't hear you. ARE YOU GUYS HAVING A GOOD TIME?" I ask and the crowd screams louder.

Every year at Ultra is beautiful. No matter whatever stage it is. I've been performing here since 2010 and even today when I go to the stage, it's still like a 'Pinch Me' moment. Can't believe it. Every time.

Zara's P.O.V.

"Okay so-" Nicky trails off.

I am laughing at something Emma told me and I look up to see why Nicky stopped speaking. When I see up to him, he is directly looking at me. Eye to eye. He's looking at ME.

Why is he looking at me? Is there some stain or something on my clothes? Is there something in my hair? Is there something on my FACE?! I ask Emma to check and she says there's nothing wrong with my appearance.

My mouth is wide open in shock and my eyes are the size of saucers as realisation hits me. He acknowledged me! He remembers me! Oh shit! I don't believe this! I close my eyes and rub them and open them again only to see that he's still looking at me but now with a small smile on his face. He winks at me and chuckles.

My cheeks start burning suddenly. I tear my gaze from him and hide my face with my hands and smile like an idiot.

After 7 seconds or something Emma tells me,"He's still looking at you, babe." Yep. I was counting.

That makes my cheeks burn all the more and I let out a little squeal. Emma chuckles at me. I am still hiding my face. Emma nudges me and tells me to look up. I do so and the same second I look up, Nicky tears his gaze from me and continues his DJing. I mean, he's gotta get on with his job.

I. Still. Don't. Believe. Any of this.

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