The Visit.

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NURSE #3 - Hello.  You must be Vivian White.  My name is Anna and I have come in to give you a blood test.

VIVIAN - You wouldn't have happened to see my sister?  Tina?

NURSE #3 Of course!  Tina White in room 136.  I just came from her room.

VIVIAN - Really?  I didn't know she was only four rooms away from me.

NURSE #3 - She's doing really good.  Home tomorrow for both of you.

VIVIAN - I thought she was doing badly.

NURSE #3 - No, she's good.  She's just got some bruising from the airbag and her seat belt.  She also had a minor concussion on the night, but she has only got a broken finger.  In my opinion, you should leave today, but we all have to follow your Doctor's orders.

VIVIAN - Why does he think I should stay an extra night?

NURSE #3 - I'm not sure.  Doctor Sheer usually keeps his patients for an extra night or two, probably for extra caution.


NURSE #3 - Left arm, or right arm?

VIVIAN - Left please.  Oh, I really hate needles.

NURSE #3 Look the other way.


NURSE #3 - All done.  You alright?

VIVIAN - Yeah, I just got a little nervous.

NURSE #3 - You did a great job.

VIVIAN - Thanks.  Listen, before you go; do you think it's possible for me to visit my sister quickly?

NURSE #3 - Sure.  Her room's number 136, just down the hall.

VIVIAN - I can?

NURSE #3 - Of course.  Why so surprised?

VIVIAN - Oh, nothing.  Just excited to see her.

NURSE #3 - Okay.  Just make sure you are back later on, Doctor Sheer's coming back to check up on you.

VIVIAN - Okay, thank you.

Vivian lied to the nurse.  She didn't want to say that the other nurses said no.  She wanted to see her sister.  Vivian waited for the nurse to leave her room.  She was a nice nurse, unlike the others.  Even Doctor Sheer was a little rude.  Her regular hospital had really nice employees.  Vivian and her sister were only brought here because of two reasons: It was the closest to where the accident was and their regular hospital was under full renovations.   Though she has seen many other hospitals before, she had never heard of this one.  

Vivian sat up on the bed and gazed  around, for a second look at her surroundings.  The coast was clear.  She stood up and started walking as casually as possible.  She past the nurse's desk that was empty and many other sick patients all up until she fell upon room 136; Tina's room.

VIVIAN - Tina? 

Vivian stared at her sister in confusion.  She was as healthy as ever.  Doctor Sheer said she was pretty banged up.  He must have been as blind as a bat!

TINA - Vivian what are you doing in here?

VIVIAN - What do you mean?

TINA - Doctor Sheer said you were really hurt.  He said you weren't doing good and that you needed rest.

VIVIAN - What?  I'm fine.  He told me the same exact thing about you.

TINA - Vivian.  We need to get out of here.  

VIVIAN - Well, we can't until tomorrow morning.

TINA - I'm not joking around Vivian.  I overheard the-

NURSE #1 - Vivian White.  Back to your room please.

Vivian turned  back to see that same rude nurse from before, standing in Tina's doorway, clipboard in hand.  She looked stressed.

VIVIAN - The nurse said I could see Tina.

NURSE #1 - Well I'm your nurse.  I know what's best for my patients, so if you wouldn't mind.

The nurse gestured to the door and looked back up at Vivian.  Then, she followed her out. 

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