The Hiding.

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Vivian - Tina I don't know if we can get out of here.  I think we're locked in!

Tina - I saw a map of this place online.  I know how to get out.

Vivian - Really?  After only two minutes of research?

Tina - Yes.  Do you trust me or not?

Vivian - Fine.  

Tina - Okay, through here, there's a trap door.

Vivian - Great!

Tina - The problem is that once you go down, there's no way out.  That's where they hid the bodies 100 years ago.

Vivian - I take that back.  

Tina - Come, this way.

The girls ran around the place looking for light.  Vivian was scared out of her skin, but trusted her sister.  Her job was to keep a look out for Jennifer or anyone else as Tina led them home.   Everything was happening so fast and she couldn't keep up, until she fell to the ground.

Tina - Vivian! 

She ran over to her twin and felt her pulse, she was still breathing.  She had collapsed.  Tina dragged her over to the nearest door way and tried waking her up.  It wasn't working.  

Tina - Vivian, please!  Wake up!  Come on.  

All of a sudden Vivian gasped for air, as if she had just been under the water for too long.  She looked at her sister and then tried to stand.

Vivian - Oh my God!

Tina - You're okay, you just fainted.  

Vivian - No.

Tina - What?

Vivian - No, I saw something.  

Tina - What do you mean you saw something?  You were unconscious.

Vivian - It was like a vision.

Tina - What vision?

Vivian - It was someone we knew.

Tina - Who?

Vivian - I couldn't see their faces.  But they stabbed two twin girls.  

Tina - Us?!

Vivian - No not us.  Someone else.

Tina - Okay, Viv.  You're a little delirious right now.  We need to leave, okay?

Vivian - Okay.  Sorry.

Tina nodded and grabbed her sister's hand, leading her to another direction.  They were as cautious as possible, knowing that Jennifer was near.

Tina - I'm surprised she hasn't found us yet.

Vivian - I know.  It isn't a big basement.

Tina - You'd think she'd be able to pop up everywhere.

Vivian - What, why?

Tina - Well, she's a ghost.  I mean she'd have to be.  She looks no older than what she looked like in the photo.  The photo from 100 years ago.

Vivian - Tina, what if she's not looking?

Tina - Of course she is.  She's trying to kill us!

Vivian - No no stop.

Vivian pulled her back and they both stood there looking around.

Tina - Vivian, if we don't keep moving then she's going to find us!

Vivian - What if she wants us to move?  

Tina - What?

Vivian - You said it yourself, maybe she's trying to trick us.  It's a trap.  She's not seeking Tina!  She's waiting.  

Tina - For what?!

Vivian - For us to fall right into her trap.

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