7- Lost

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I woke up in my room, fully fixed with Angela sleeping beside me. "W...What Happened?" I asked myself as I rubbed the back of my head. I look towards Angela as she slowly opens her eyes. "Morning *Yawn* Genji" She told me as she grabs a robotic eye from her side of the bed's bedside table. "If you need a refresher on what happened, Ill explain now. Hanzo is 100% dead, the cyborg Hanzo was just a robot and *Yawn* tried and kill you..." She tells me quickly as she drops the eye in my hand. "Umm. Thanks." I thank her as I get off the bed. I hear gunshots from my room and the shouting of Fareeha, "Angela. Grab your stuff and go." I tell her as I run towards my suit. "What about you?" She asks me worried as she puts on her robotic wings while she grabbed her staff. "I'll be fine." I told her as I put my mask on, "Make sure everyone is safe outside." I continued as she nodded and flew down from the window. I grabbed my blade and pushed the door open, running down the stairs. I saw Pharah being beaten up by some sort of purple neon dressed woman. "I'll take Shimada..." I heard from the skull faced man as he pulled 2 shotguns out of knowwhere. Before I could react, he fired a shot at my chest, knocking me back. I ran towards him as I jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, he somehow saw this coming as he blocked the attack by grabbing my leg and flinging me towards the floor. I learnt that move back in Blackwatch, the old Black Ops team of Overwatch. I sweeped him off his legs as he just jumped over my leg and stepped on it, right when he did that, I heard a loud crack from my "Bones". I got up, grabbing my Wakazashi Blade and slashing towards his mask. The blade left a cut on his mask, revealing half of his dis-figured face. "Foolish.. Shimada..." The face under the mask smiled as he pulled a shotgun out of nowhere instead of picking the ones up that he dropped on the floor and fired at my chest. I fell over, blood dripping from the holes the shells made.  As I played next to the wall, I saw Angela running over to Fareeha and hitting the purple skinned lady in the head, knocking her off of Fareeha. They both ran out the door, I knew that whatever I did now wouldn't have Major consequences. I got up and gripped the handle of my Dragon Blade, "THE DRAGON BECOMES ME!" I shouted as I pulled it out and lunged at the skull faced shotgun user. As I lunged at him, he raised his hand out and grabbed my face, throwing me down to the floor, causing me to drop my blade. "Ugh..." I groaned in pain as the man grabbed me and pinned me against the wall, choking me. Angela ran in again, this time towards the man choking me. "I'll go with you if you don't hurt him!" She shouted, the man turned around and let go of me. "Widow... Deal with him." The man grabbed Angela's hand and pulled her out the backdoor and into their transport... "Angela!" I shouted as I ran after her. But "Widow" dropped a poison mine before she left, knocking me out. "A..Angela.. No..." I blacked out....

I soon woke up in my bed. Tears in my eyes, "Angela... She's...." I muttered out as I tried and got up, realizing my legs were in pain.


Angela POV-

I was tied up, only in my bra and panties, he walked up... The man we all thought was dead along side Jack, Gabriel Reyes.. "Reyes?" I questioned. "Let me out!" I told him, trying to be calm. "Sorry sugar, but I can't do that." He's walk out of the shadow, wearing absolutely nothing. "Reyes!? What do you think you're doing'!?" I'd scream in Anger and confusion. He started massaging his member, hardening it. "Something I wanted to do for so long." He'd walk behind me, out of my sight and pulled down my panties. I felt his dick plunge into my ass, I Moaned as loud as I could, in pain and in pleasure. "Genji!" I was able to mutter out in the multiple moans I let out. "So you got with the cyborg when I was gone." He'd have a Angry tone, he'd pull out and shove in every single inch of his dick into my asshole. "Reyes!!!" I Moaned out. "Stop! Please!" I'd continue as he would repeatedly thrust his dick into me. "HARDER!" I shouted out, unable to control myself. He heard my demand and made his thrusts harder. "I love your dick!" I continued moaning. "Don't you love Genji?" He joked as he continued thrusting. I thought to myself 'Im so sorry Genji, but his dick is way too good!'.

Genji POV-
"WHERE THE HELL IS ANGELA!?" I'd shout at Winston, I was able to make my way over to Winston. "We don't know, Agent Genji. Her tracker was drowned.." He'd try and apologize. Until... "Ding!" My phone sent me a notification. I looked at my phone to see a message from Angela, "Im Sorry Genji...". I messaged her back sending, "Where are you!?" She'd reply... Sending me a picture of Gabe shirtless, wearing the skull man's robe and mask. "........" I fell to my knees, in pain, in anger, all the emotions Zenyetta tried and make me keep away. "why..." I muttered out at Winston came to my side, he saw the picture and immediately knew what it meant. "I'm sorry Genji..." He'd tell me. But it only made me more sad, since that was the exact thing Angela told me. I continued crying and crying... And crying...

Hero To You (Gency Fan-Fic, Genji X Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now