8- Betrayal....

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Angela POV-

"Its all going according to plan.. Well, somethings went south.." I messaged using my phone. I put my phone away as I put on the suit Reaper gave me, it was designed to look like a devil. I questioned why he didn't choose to cover my face, he always replied saying "They already know who you are, there is no use hiding"

Genji POV-
      It has been a week since I've last seen Angela... I have went mad after seeing the image Angela sent me, all the pictures we've taken has been shattered out of my rage. We got information that Talon was to be in Li Jiang tower to kill their top Scientist. I was part of this mission. By the time we got there, the entire place was covered in blood, there were dead bodies all over the place. But I caught a glimpse of Angela, in a new devil suit. 'Shes Gone....' I thought to myself as I loaded my shurikens, Angela's beam kept on flashing From damage boost to Health boost, like she never knew how to use it. As I noticed, I heard Pharah bumping her head on top of the ceiling of the Tower's entrance, it's like... she never used it... I pieced it together. The moment I did, I was hit in the chest by a shot from Reaper's shotgun. It wasn't Angela who ran to my aid, but instead it was Pharah. Pharah threw her helmet off, revealed to be Angela. "Angela" realized that he cover was blown and pulled out her pistol, firing it at Reaper's chest more than 25 times, before having him wraith off. "I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA. I KNEW IT!" Angela screamed out as she took the staff off of Pharah's hand and aimed the top towards me, engaging the health boost onto me. "Thanks Angela" I'd thank her. "I actually thought you cheated on me with Reaper." I'd tell her. "Cheated on you with Reaper?" She'd turn to face Pharah... "He kinda ummmm. R-" Pharah commented as she was cut off by Winston, "Sexually Harrased." She continued by saying "By Reaper... Which is.... Gabriel Reyes" Winston would add on saying, "And Messed Up." Pharah would pull off the fake Angela mask off her face and threw it at me. Pharah would walk back to the ship, grabbing the rocket launcher off Angela on the way. "She seems Angry" Angela joked as I responded by giving out a short laugh. We both got into the ship, having the first sight being Fareeha ripping out contacts from her eyes. The ship flew back towards the base, for the entire trip back, me and Angela just kept cuddling together, I could see that Fareeha was getting annoyed, but ignored it.

-By the time they get back-
The entire base was trashed, shattered windows, broken computer screens, knocked over tech. "My New Chronal Accelerator Protoype!" Winston shouted as he ran to a messed up pile of metal. Tracer blinked over to comfort Winston as me and Angela decided to find out what else was trashed. We passed by the Data Banks room while heading to the Medbay, only to see wires everywhere, electricity sparking out in every possible place and shattered glass all around the room. Hana walked pass the room we were in and joked around by saying "GG." as she walked back to hr room only to scream in horror of her ruined PC setup. "My Razer Mouse!" I heard her scream, "Oh I'm gonna get those Talon bastards!" She shouted. I headed back to my room, only to find every thing ruined, by my lamp, to the table, to the pillows. Everything. "It's fine.. It was just pillows and stuff." I said as I laid on my bed. Angela laid down next to me, too scared of seeing what Talon did to her room while we were gone. She'd see the cut on my hand I got from beating the shit out of the wall when I still believed Angela was actually taken. She being the kind doctor she was, grabbed a bandage from her pocket and stuck it on the cut. "Thanks Angela" I thanked her as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back soon, I forgot to take my phone back from Fareeha." She told me as she got of the bed and waved goodbye to me as she flew off. 'What would have happened if Angela was actually the one who was taken...' I thought to myself as I started crying from the thoughts of what could have possibly happened. A world where was covered by blood, blood that I caused to leak. Dead bodies laying around everywhere.... I heard a snap Infront of my face. "Genji, You okay?" I opened my eyes to see Angela snap her fingers Infront of my eyes. "Sorry, just blacked out for a second.." I apologized as I rubbed the tears that formed in my eyes. "What's wrong?" Angela asked as she passed a tissue to me. I told her everything that I saw, every drop of blood, every dead body, and the reason why. Angela immediately hugged me, "That will NEVER happen, because I love you." She comforted me as she gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled at her, nothing would ever take my love away from her. Hana ruined the moment once again, as I heard her scream, "They Ruined My Playstation!" I laughed at her comment and so did Angela. We both laid back down on the bed as we just cuddled up, I pulled the blankets up to our necks and closed the door using a contraption I made out of thousands of rubber bands and random pieces of wood I found lying around.. "Good night, Angela." I told her as I shut off the lights, allowing us to both sleep peacefully.

Hero To You (Gency Fan-Fic, Genji X Mercy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora