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Tae was drinking some blood from a blood bag when Yoongi walks in to the room.

Yoongi: Good morning!

Tae: morning!

Yoongi: now if you are cooled down let's talk after breakfast.

Yoongi then explain tae that namjoon is after them with his witch friend he is doing everything he can to end us. Tae you know he is not only a werewolf but he also has a powerful friend. We cannot just sit here and wait for them to attack, at least we should have that weapon that will help us to put him down.

Tae: so what's your plan?

Yoongi: I'm going to call this person will ask him nicely to handle us that thing if he won't then I'll handle things like I do. I've already called him and I've invited him to dinner.

Jhope came around 7 o'clock. He greet them really nicely. His aura is so positive and happy.

Jhope: it's so strange even if it distant I've never heard about you two ever that you are our family too.

Tae jokingly: because we are not...

Yoongi: because our parents died really early and we live with or uncle.. actually we also find out about our relatives recently that's why we wanna see you.

Jhope: that's so nice you both even moved here, this place is really nice I'll show you places around...

Tae: why don't you tell us about the family used to live here..we would love to know.

Jhope: oh it was my aunt my mother's elder sister she use to live here with her weird husband he always use to talk about other creatures..he was just crazy.. then they moved to another country..

Yoongi: oh really what creatures ??

Jhope: I don't know I never payed attention to him maybe werewolves or vampires...

Tae: that's sounds interesting tell me about them.

They both were looking at jhope constantly..
Jhope: you both really look interested in this talk sadly I was never..

Tae and Yoongi trys to look around... Oh no we were just asking..

Yoongi: why vampires can be cool.

Jhope looks at him. When tae stands up and said I think we should serve dinner yoongi please come in the kitchen.
They both walks toward the kitchen.

Tae: I don't think we will get anything like this let's just compel him and ask him.

Yoongi: oh jhope is here.

Jhope: is there any problem.. can I help you...

Yoongi: no let's have dinner..

Ah why yoongi taking so long to finish such an easy task. Tae thinks

They had dinner. Jhope compliment everything and was so overwhelmed that we cooked everything.

Yoongi: we both like to live alone and we do all our stuff ourselves so we learned cooking.

Jhope: that's really good I live alone too. I do my stuff myself too.

Tae was done with all this talk he walked towards jhope and looked into his eyes and compelled him.

Tae to jhope: where is the weapon to kill the werewolf?

Jhope: I don't know.

Tae and Yoongi both looks surprised.

Yoongi ask differently

Tae: do you have anything to kill a werewolf?

Jhope: no

Tae to Yoongi this is useless.

Yoongi let me try.

Yoongi: did your werid uncle gave you anything?

Jhope: yes he gave me pretty much all of his stuff when he moved.

Yoongi: I think he didn't know about the weapon but I'm sure it's somewhere in the stuff.

Yoongi: after my snap you'll forget about our questions.. then yoongi snapped..

Jhope: so from where you wanna start exploring Alaska ?

Tae: from your home.

Jhope: huh?

Yoongi: anywhere you suggest.

Jhope: then let's visit this club tomorrow it's near my house.

Yoongi: perfect we will come to your house then.

Then after some time jhope left.

Jhope's point of view:
Finally I have someone in this place. And they both look so friendly I was fed up living alone.

Tae's point of view:
I hope tomorrow inwill get that weapon. I really wanted to have that weapon in my hands. Yoongi was hiding that from me I'll get that weapon tomorrow before him knowing.

Yoongi's point of view:
Jhope looks really friendly. I don't even remember how to be friends with people but talking to jhope was so easy.

Blood, Sweat and Tears (Part 1) Where stories live. Discover now