C.A.J. Part 11

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(Two Weeks Later)

Cress was not 100% sure how she'd gotten herself into this situation. She knew Cinder and Scarlet hadn't predicted this in the slightest, and they never thought Thorne would be so open to Cress. Or that he'd request to hang out with her more.

Or ask her to visit him at his house. Especially after meeting her at the White Rose eight times in the span of two weeks.

All Cinder and Scarlet were hoping for was that Thorne's pride would get the better of him, and he would admit to stealing the necklace. Since Cress "found out" Thorne was the criminal in question, they'd discussed it a little at the White Rose.

Though he did not confess to stealing it. Which, call her crazy, made Cress wonder if he actually had.

Deep down, Crescent pondered the idea that Thorne was just a man with a dark past that was in the wrong place at the wrong time for this case. She'd helped Cinder before with putting other people away, and Thorne didn't seem like a guy who would rob someone like Winter Clay. Warlords, sure. The heads of criminal syndicates, absolutely. Powerful businessmen who abuse their power for self gain, without a doubt.

But a woman who dedicated her life and wealth to helping those less fortunate than herself, without any recognition other than the thanks of the people she helped, it didn't fit in Cress's mind.

A part of her believed that Thorne was a modern day Robin Hood, with a few drawbacks of course. Sure, he took from the rich and greedy. Still, he took for himself too. Not exactly a heroic thing to do.

But as the saying goes, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty". Only after the court gave their verdict would Cress know whether or not he was truly trustworthy. And if they said he is innocent, then surely, he is a good man.


Cress shook her conflicted feelings from her mind. Taking a deep breath, she mustered up the courage to ring the front doorbell of Thorne's rather large house.

A quick jolt of nervousness shot up her spine, warning Cress that this was a horrible idea. At least in the White Rose, there were people who could come to her aid should Thorne turn out to be dangerous.

Who was she kidding? Thorne is definitely dangerous! His rap sheet is taller than she is! He's escaped from prisons around the globe. He's stolen objects more heavily guarded than Buckingham Palace. What could possibly make Cress think Thorne wasn't dangerous?

Before Cress could listen to her instincts, Thorne opened the door. What Cress thought was alarming was the fact that he managed to answer the door in less than three seconds of her ringing the doorbell.

As if he'd been waiting ... at the door ... for her.

The brightness of his smile made Cress feel weak in her knees. Stars, that's why she couldn't see him as dangerous. Because he was so darn charming and sweet.

If she turned out to be wrong, she would never trust a face as handsome as his again.

For a moment, Thorne couldn't speak. He opened his mouth, yet no words came out. In court, he was always so quick to answer any question put to him. Even if his answer was sarcastic and unwanted.

Why the cat had his tongue now, Cress couldn't be sure.

"Uhhh..." he emitted, finally making a sound. He closed his mouth and blinked a few times. He was just staring at her, not saying a word. Cress was feeling more awkward and uncomfortable by the second.

She reached a lock of her hair and curled it around her finger. A nervous habit she developed years ago. Back when her hair was much longer.

Cress pursed her lips and watched Thorne, bewildered and flustered. Why did her ask her to come here if he wasn't going to do anything but stare at her from his doorway?

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