C.A.J. Part 18

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For over half an hour, Evret Hayle described in detail all of the dirty rotten things Levana had orchestrated over the years. Everything from hostile takeovers of small companies in lawless countries to first degree crimes against humanity itself.

When Evret showed the evidence of Levana's involvement in his wife - Winter's mother's death, Winter broke down and had to be escorted from the room. No one could blame her. After all, it was her mother and father.

Still, there was more for Evret to discuss after Winter left with her husband. Planned chemical spills, sabotage, intimidations through blackmail and brute force. The list seemed to be endless.

Until one final case came up. Evret displayed a picture of a small apartment in a run down neighborhood. A slip on the door read "Linhs".

"The last thing I have for you is a case that involved attempted murder. It was masked as an accidental fire claimed to be a product of human error. But that isn't true. The fire was set by one of Levana's followers because she feared one of the people living in the house. Linh Cinder," he revealed.

Cinder's heart caught in her throat. The fire was intended for her? How was that possible? Why would Levana target her? Of all people?

All of this, Evret explained. "Levana had a sister that owned Blackburn Industries before her. In her will, Channary left everything, including her company, to her next of kin. Everyone assumed that meant Levana. But, there were theories that Channary had a baby before she passed. If that were true, that baby would have direct claim to Channary's fortune business. Not Levana."

He displayed medical records on the screen. "I've done rudimentary DNA tests on Linh Cinder's medical records, and she has a significant chance of being related to Channary. I'd have to perform more advanced tests to get a definite answer, but that would let Levana know I was looking."

In the video, there was a knocking, probably on a door in the room Evret was in. His expression grew alarmed and fevered.

"I don't have much time," he whispered. "But I hope that when you find this - whether you're my daughter or not - that you'll give it to authorities that can be trusted. Levana has spies in departments all over the country. So ... be careful."

The video froze, and Cinder knew it was over. After listening to Evret list off the horrible things Levana had done over the years, she thought nothing would ever top it. Nothing could ever be worse.

But Cinder knew that thinking such a thing was posing a challenge to the world. One someone could one day accept.

Judge Erland was pale and holding a fist to his mouth. A gesture that gave the impression he was going to lose his lunch.

He ensured he could hold his stomach before speaking. "We are going to investigate what little is left to find. The computer chip Mr. Hayle made has downloaded documents that verify his accusations. We'll run the chip and it's contests through an authentication lab. But ... we are almost certain that Levana will have at least three consecutive life sentences after this."

"I'd push for ten," breathed Kai. He weld his eyes shut and pressed his lips together. "How could someone be so inhumane?"

Cinder felt a hand over her shoulder. It was Scarlet's. Her friend gave her concerned eyes and caring words. "Are you going to be okay?"

Cinder was still processing what Evret had said. According to him, she might be a supposed "lost heir" to Blackburn industries. Not to mention the fire that killed Peony hadn't just been negligence or poor construction. It was attempted murder.

Good stars, Levana not only took Cinder's true home. That witch took her first friend and sister as well.

"I have no idea," Cinder admitted. Scarlet, being the great friend she was, pulled Cinder in for a hug and assured her that everything was going to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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