C.A.J. Part 13

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Thorne didn't know why Cress was so determined to leave on her own. He wanted to help her. To make sure she didn't get hurt on the way to help her friend.

He took a breath, remembering that Cress was a highly capable person. If anything happened on her way to seeing her friend at the hospital, she could handle it. She didn't require a babysitter.

Still, he couldn't help but miss her the moment she left. And the way she peeled out of his driveway ... If she wasn't going to see a friend who was seriously injured, Thorne would have thought she wanted to get the heck out of his house as soon as possible.

Instantly, he brushed the idea away. For hours, the two of them had been having a blast, and there was nothing here that could have spooked her. Not at all.

Oh, how he was so sadly mistaken.


(Three hours later)

Thorne was ready to hit the sack when he caught sight of red and blue flashing lights speeding down his road. The cop cars swerved into his driveway and screeched to a halt.

Thorne rolled his eyes and sighed. Of course those silly cops were back. Someone probably tipped them off that he was sneaking out to the White Rose. Either that, or there was a court session he'd forgotten to attend.

Thankfully, Thorne was still in his jeans and T-shirt, soe he was somewhat presentable. He approached his front door with a smirk. Knowing the cops couldn't pin him for anything.

The doorbell rang - several times - and Thorne opened it gladly. He recognized the two cops at the door. Benoit and Kesley.

"Come to arrest me again, have you?" he grinned.

Detective Benoit was sporting a smirk of her own. She held up a slip of paper. A warrant. "We have another warrant to search your house."

The cops let themselves in after that. The two detectives and five more after them. They checked around corners and behind furniture. Thorne couldn't help but be amused by their amateur investigative techniques.

Well, he had some laughs, until the redhead asked, "Where's your bedroom, Carswell?"

The brief shock caused him to drop his smile. "Why?"

With the wave of her hand, two officers flew up the stairs. "Because I'd like to search it. It is a room in this house, isn't it?"

He held his breath for a moment, reassuring himself that she was only toying with me. She didn't find the necklace the first time she searched this house "top to bottom". There was no chance she would find it this time.

He nodded towards the stairs and climbed them to the next floor. Benoit and her gang followed closely behind him. He couldn't blame them. After all, he'd escaped from a Turkish prison once.

He led them all the way to his bedroom door, and Benoit didn't so much as ask for permission to enter the room. Thorne thought that was rude. Anyone with proper manners would ask before going in another person's place of sleep. Well, Thorne knew Cress would.

The fiery detective wandered around the room for a moment. As if to tease him. Thorne kept his eyes on her. Not allowing them to drift to the bookcase. He wasn't that stupid.

"Are you actually going to search the room?" Thorne questioned. "Because if not, I'd like to go to sleep."

"Oh, the cots we have in our cells down at the station are quite comfy," she lied. "I'm sure you could use one of them."

A cough rose in Thorne's throat. "Excuse me?"

The damned lady would not seize smiling. She turned to her officers and ordered, "Move the bookcase."

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