Chapter 9

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Ruth's pov

Two weeks later we left for Santa Monica. Rose was beyond thrilled, as this was her idea and dream destination. Cal managed to snag a bargain mansion for a week. It was the biggest and cheapest he could afford. It is surrounded by fresh green cut grass. It isn't too far to walk to town. But who would anyway? Rose was astonished by the grounds as she held Nathan Hockley tight to her chest.

"Don't look so shocked Rose. If Calendon really cared about the gardens you could have one as nice as this. Even bigger if you like", I told her. She stared at me before she looked at the child, "I want to hold my grandson now please", I walked over and took him out of her arms. "There we are handsome boy", I looked at him who had my eyes and hair colour who he obviously inherited from my side of Rose. Big nose from Caledon that's for sure, and also his penis size. The perfect child for Rose and Caledon to get together over. The one thing they can bond over and love together as a husband and wife should.

We got settled in quickly as the house was already furnished. Dumping our bags in our rooms for the maids to attend to.

"Mother I'm going out for a walk. I'll be taking the baby with me", Rose stood in my door way rocking the child.

"Alright. Only if you tell Calendon. I have a few things to attend to here. I've got to catch up on my gossip. I'm having tea later this afternoon", I let her know of my schedule, "just be sure to take the pram. And don't talk to strangers. You heard what Caledon said about what the men here are like. So stay clear of them you hear me", I laid out my dresses for my servants to hang up. I then looked back to see Rose who wasn't in the door.

Roses pov

I left without Cals permission. He would never let me go. Only to mothers stupid tea party that they both thought I'm not ready for after having the baby.

I took the stroller and walked wasting nobody's time but mine getting to town. I walked along the dirt road listening to crackle and snap of the rocks below from my shoes and wheel of the pram. Little Jack Dawson Jr was asleep wrapped up in a blanket with a few toys around him to keep him entertained. He is a delightful baby. He always brings a smile to my face like his father did. He's even cheeky now. Starting to laugh and kick and move around more. He is a very active baby. I can't even imagine what Jack was like. His poor parents. I can just see him being worse than his son of a month.

We reached the town as a shop bell rang from someone entering a store. Hundreds of people walked the street. Can't imagine what the markets must be like. No thanks. I tracked my way through the crowd knowing that I had to go to the beach. There I can just see it and go on a path straight there. I followed my gut instinct. The thing I was never aloud to do or rarely given the option to do so.

It means a great deal to me walking the streets alone without Cal around or mother for protection. It proves to them that I am strong and independent. That I can do things myself and not have them done for me. Even my own decision making.

"We made it Jack", I let out a giant sigh as I sat down on a nearby bench looking at the pier not they far away, "I did it. I actually did it", I spoke aloud to myself knowing that I archived this all on my own. I'm here now Jack. I'm here. Just as you promised to take me. I sat on the bench taking in the breeze and screams from the ongoing roller coaster.

"Mummy mummy I want to go! I want to have my picture drawn", a little girl begged her mum, "plllleeaaassseee"

"Alright", her mother said, "come along", she took her hand. The only time I was drawn was with Jack. On the Titanic with my nude sketch that I have to Cal telling him that I'm leaving him for Jack. It feels like it never happened. That Jack and the ship never happened. But then I look into the pram and see Jack Jr. And it was real. It was all real. That trip to the stars that created him in a back seat of a car. Both our first times to be exact. But it made it extra special. We both grew then as people as well as our feelings for each other. I also had little Jack jr growing in my stomach. Letting me know of that wondrous night in that back seat of a steamy brand new car.

"How about it Jack? Mummy didn't get hers officially. Why not get another one that I get to keep with my clothes on this time", I smiled at him as he was sleeping, "oh come on", I then strolled over and saw a big line, "oh bullocks", I looked at it as men, women, and children qued waiting for their turn. And the pram would only take so much room, "Jack. You be a good boy for mummy Alright. You just stay here and have a good sleep", I wheeled him over behind a tree that gave Jack some covering as well as a nice breeze that came by every now and again, "I won't be to long", I kissed his small head getting money out from my purse to pay the artist.

I then walked over to the end of line with five people in front of me. I counted my money to make sure it was enough for the man. The line went pretty quickly and soon I was up the front waiting for the man to pay the artist. He then moved away and I saw his face. I completely froze.

"Jack?", I said.


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