Chapter 18

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*two months later*

Jacks pov

After Rose left and gave Jack Jr to me to look after, word on the street was already out about 'Calendon Hockly's lost son'. He set up a reward for anyone that knew of his whereabouts. So I am now avoiding taking him outside when I draw or take him on daily strolls and walks.

He mostly goes to sleep at 7:30pm but tonight has been a real challenge. He refused to eat and not take his bottle. He threw his blankie away on the floor. I tried to put a dummy in his mouth but he refused. Someone's not happy and it's making Daddy angry. But after putting up a fight draining all of his energy over an hour he finally fell asleep. Dossing off peacefully as I sat at the table with his small body lymph in my arms from him passed out sleeping. I held him close feeling his little chest rise sending a sensation around my body. Well done Jack. I commended myself knowing that no one else helped me.

I then slowly got up and rocked him not wanting him to wake him walking over to my dresser, "night night Jacky", I told him as my finger brushes back and forth on his cheek with his small hand trying to grab it, "mummy and daddy love you very much", I gave him a sweet gentle kiss on his forehead. Taking one good last look at my strong, gorgeous, handsome baby boy shutting the drawer leaving a little gap for some fresh air. Then their was a subtle knock at the door. Who would come at this hour? Especially to me? I know no one! Hesitant I opened it anyway to find a police officer.

"Um hi", was my first reaction and response, "what can I help you with at this time of evening officer?", I wanted to get straight down to the point so I can get back home to work or just sleep.

"We were wondering if you knew anything about a missing baby boy", the officer told me sending chills down my spine. Please not be my son they're looking for. Please don't take him from me.

"His name is Nathan Hockley Junior", what kind of name is that to name a child? Especially if he's biologically mine. He then pulled out a photo of him, "his father is one of the wealthiest men in the country. His name is Calendon Hockley", I scrunched my fist hearing his name. Knowing every single bruise, assault, verbal and non verbal words that he used to assault and mis treated Rose with, it anger's me and makes my blood boil, "his father is the rich Pittsburg oil steel tycoon Nathan Hockley", he gave me a little bit of back ground information, "the boy has red straight hair, crystal clear blue eyes, and pale skin. He is no more than a month old, so that may make things much harder or easier for us", he finished up on his 'victim's' page. He then flipped his book over and clicked his pen open, "do you know of any babies a month old in the area?", he asked his first question.

"No", I shook my head looking back hoping that Jack Jr did not dare to wake, squirm, or make a single sound.

"Do you know of any babies that fit that description?", I tuned my head back to the police officer.

"No sir", I answered back as he stared at me.

"Know any women in the area that may take a wealthy mans child?", he asked the most strangest bizarre question in the world that caught me completely off guard.

"What?!", I tried to laugh off his stupid question. But then realised the seriousness of the question and ordeal. Those women would do anything for money. Even if it means taking an innocent child that they can not afford but only hold them leverage against their own free will.

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