Chapter 15

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Roses pov

After that Cal and Mother made me stay home for two days. It was hell on earth. Tea parties, brunch, lunch, dinners. All in the spam of two days that I barely got a chance to be with Jack Jr. Or to be with Jack and keep exploring the pier here. I am trapped. Mother and Cal just drag me in and out of the house to people I don't know or I hate.

Today Mother dragged me out to stupid brides maid party. I don't even know who half of these girls are. Mother just choose them for me. But in the shop window I saw my true love and hero Jack.

He saw me through the tea house window. And he sat and stood there the whole time to entertain me as well as to keep a watchful eye on me and Jack Jr. His face filled with hatred as mother picked her 'precious little grandson' up and showed him off to everyone. Jack is a person who hates that. Especially when it isn't yours but you do so to boost your popularity. And that's what mother and Cal both do.

Wheather it's Jack Dawson Jr or the money they've invested for a new town statue in the park. They didn't build or create it. They weren't the brains in the idea. But they were the 'heroes' the people who get the title for all of it. Forget about the people you met showing you the blueprints, or the builders who constructed it all. Business is a ranking game. You're either at the top absorbing or the wealth and fame or you're at the bottom living off a dime.

Jack Jr or 'Nathan Hockley Jr' as everyone calls him by. Was getting more and more upset over the time he spent with a women who was not me. He knows who I am and keeps looking for or at me. But I'm helpless. All I can do is sit and not react or tell them what they're doing wrong. So Jack out the window began pulling funny silly faces at his son to make him happy again. Baby Jack went around the table happy as larry jumping for joy as he saw his daddy who he knew was outside. Jack continued to play about to make him happy making me almost choke on my tea and cake doing so.

Most women here that are my bridesmaids are all courting, engaged or otherwise married by now. Some have told me that they are happy and agreed  to start a family soon. But mother always bragged.

"Oh Rose has already done that. Look at this little one here. He really is such a sweet little boy", she took Jack Jr into her lap, "open wide little Nathan Hockley", she said as she got a teaspoon and dipped it into warm milk. All I could do was sit and watch as Jack Jr pushed it and squirmed away from the milk that was not my own. Good boy Jack. I wanted to tell him. But mother kept persisting. She would not let Jack Jr go without a fight or damage her status. After all he is only a baby, "come on Nathan take the milk", she held it up to his lips.

"Mother", I spoke up as Baby Jacks face started turning red with him about to cry. I then looked up past her to Jack who is utterly confused to what is going on.

"Nathan take it", she tried to force the spoon gently in his mouth.

"Mother". I spoke more loud this time as Jack Jr steadily began to cry.

"TAKE IT!", she yelled at my baby. Her own grandchild.

"MOTHER!", I yelled storming over snatching Jack Dawson Jr from her arms, "you should be ashamed of yourself", I told her off trying to calm down my son and myself from this heated ordeal, "I'll feed him", I left the space and walked to the back door. Jack then followed me round the corner and he met me in the back alley there.

"What the hell was that all about? Where the hell have you been Rose? I've been looking everywhere for you!", Jack demanded an explanation of why I haven't seen him in two days. Why I hadn't been in touch with him.

"Jack I-", I stopped undressing baby Jack for his diper change that none of the other women complained or told me about as they each had a hold.

"No I get it. You were having fun with your first class friends. Is that it?"

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