Chapter 11

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Roses pov

I had a dream last night. That Jack was alive and back. He got to see and bond with his son that we share. And that we had the most passionate love making session ever.

"I love you Jack", I said hugging my pillow tighter.

"I love you to Rose", I heard his voice. I then opened my eyes to see Jack laying beside me naked under the sheets. He's real. I wasn't dreaming. He's alive. I then put my head on his tanned strong chest and listened to his heart beat.

"Morning princess", he said again kissing my head, "it's 7 o'clock. What do you want for dinner?",

"What do you mean? It's morning isn't it?", I said still half asleep not knowing what's going on.

"No. We took a fabulous trip to the stars is what we did", he got out of bed and put his boxer shorts on. Walking over to Jack Jr who was crying for his last feed, "someone's hungry", he picked him up and rocked him, "and needs a decent change", he went over the pram and got all his baby stuff out. Jack then put him down on the end of the bed and undressed him, "oooooooo. That stinks", he turned his head away blocking his nose. I just laughed.

"Do you even know how to change a babys diper?", I asked him as he just used baby wipes to clean his derriere.

"Sort of. Clean the shit out, chuck a new one on", I just laughed at his answer as well as him scrunching his nose making funny faces cause of the smell. Does he notice or care like Cal about Jack Jr willy? I'm sure he sees. He's changing your sons nappie Rose. He did it without hesitation or thought in the process. He jumped on board like he's been here the whole time. But he hasn't has he.

"Where did you go after the ship docked Jack?", I asked as he held Jack Jr close to his chest with his head in his hands, "I left you in the freezing cold water to die! I can never forgive myself for what I did to you", I started to cry brining my knees closer into my face so the sheets can catch my tears.

"Oh Rose", he came over and kissed one side of my face, "it's not your fault. I'm here. We're all here. Here", he gave me Jack Jr, "even him. He's our little miracle Rose. You know that too", he gave me him to cuddle all cleaned up and in a new nappie.

"He is isn't he?", I sobbed looking at him as he just remained still looking up at the roof. Jack then rubbed my arm.

"Oh it's ok. It's ok", he kissed my shoulder as I lent on him for a few minutes. And in that moment we felt like a family. A real one.

Jack then got up went to start cooking for the two of us while I stayed in bed and breast fed baby Jack. It's all real. Its really happening. Jacks bacon and eggs sored through the air to me. Feeding my stomach with desire. Jack then finished up and came over to me breastfeeding our son. I don't feel awkward or weird at all. He's seen me naked before. And I'm feeding his child. The natural way. Unlike Cal and mother who wanted a wet nurse. A wet nurse? What name is that anyway? I rocked him as Jack jr then pulled off with milk all around his mouth.

"Oh here", Jack grabbed a bit of the sheets dabbing the excess off. Before looking at him and playing with his finger making him laugh and smile, "are you sure he needs a nap?", he kept pulling funny faces at him making him get more energetic. I just continued to watch a little while longer. This is what I always wanted. What I really hoped I found with Jack aboard Titanic. The thing I always dreamed about I would have. Is now right in front of me. "What?", Jack asked me as stopped for a few seconds playing with Jack Jr.

"Nothing. It's just that you two are adorable", I stroked his face.

"Oh really?", he raised his eyebrows smiling at me.

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