A Place of Nightmares - Chapter 7 England Calling

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I had been sitting at my window watching the Seattle Rain pour down the glass. It was good being home. After a couple of weeks traveling the country even the familiarity of our questionable weather was comforting.

I was just settling in with my dog Buddy on the couch when my phone rang.

"Agh! No rest rest for the wicked hey boy?" I asked Bud as he licked his chops and grinned at me. Buddy was a wire hair Jack Russel, with white hair and what I liked to call gravy spots. Big spots of russet brown all over his back and ears, the precise shade of beef gravy. Which earned him the nick name Gravy Boy. Buddy had spent the last two weeks with my folks and their high spirited mob. They had four Jack Russel' s and an insane Maltese named Shirherazad. Buddy always had fun at nanny's house!

I picked up the phone and felt a perceptible chill. Oh great I thought this was going to be good.

"Shania Longwood." There was a crackle of static and a long silence.

"Shania Longwood, hello?"

"Oh, sorry, this line is terrible. Miss Longwood?" Came a soft English accent.

"Yes ma'am, to whom am I speaking?" I asked.

"Miss Longwood, my name is Maggie O'Donnell, my husband and I live in Devon, England. We just bought an old Manor House with the intention of starting a Bed and Breakfast, nice country home for our children. You know?"

"Of course, Mrs O'Donnell." I replied.

"Well we seemed to have run into a bit of a snag, well I feel like a fool actually saying it, but I'm afraid the Manor might be haunted."

Of course it was, why else would they call me.

"I see Mrs O'Donnell, and how did you come across my number?" I asked.

"Um, we googled it. Paranormal Investigators. We saw your add under The Ghost Hunter, and we researched you. You seemed the best person to call."

"I see."

The lady rushed on, "I know you live in the States, but if we pay your ticket, would you consider coming here. We're very scared. Our kids are scared. We need help." The poor woman begged.

I sighed and glanced around my cheery living room, the fireplace, the rugs, the contented dog, the salt lines on the window sills.

I concentrated on the lady's energy via the phone, visions of a sweet lady with a pretty face and chestnut hair came to me. Then the screaming faces of her kids and her husband crying and shaking. Bad things would happen to this family if I didn't go. Looked like Bud was off to stay with the grandparents again.

"I'll come, could you give me brief description of the events?" Mrs O'Donnell ( please call me Maggie,) began recounting the terrifying events taking place in the Manor. They were escalating night after night. Her eldest daughter waking up that morning all bruised and scratched.

I didn't like the sound of that. Something worse that a mere angry spirit could be at work here. After I finished speaking with Maggie O'Donnell, I would need to call Aiden. His certain area of expertise might be needed, although I hoped to God it wasn't.

By the time I finished speaking with the frightened mother and talking with Aiden, the hour was growing late.

I drank a cup of hot chocolate and then turned in for the night with Buddy tucked under my arm. That night my dreams were filled with a scary Manor house and a hard faced woman in a long black cloak.

Did I mention I was also cursed with the gift of remote viewing? All I had to do was picture a location and boom I was there. Traveling in my mind.

However bad the dreams and visions of Rosenthorne Manor were that night, nothing could prepare Aide and I for what we would encounter when we arrived.

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